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Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00

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Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago

Meeting Minutes 27 February 2013

(Meeting Minutes written March 1, 2013 by Claire Gadbois)


  • Approximately 40 members and guests met at 6:30 pm.  This month’s location was the ChicagoMaritime Museum located on the 6th floor of the Helix Building on the southwest corner of Racine and Jackson.

Board and Committee Reports

  • President - Standing in for John Bell, Bob Rushman welcomed everyone.  John Bell extended the UASC/Our World Underwater New Member Special for any new members signing up at this meeting.
  • Secretary  John Gerty was absent because of shoulder surgery; the January minutes were not yet approved due to a needed correction.  The webmaster did not yet post last month’s minutes because he was aware of a correction that had to be made.  Claire Gadbois is taking the February minutes.
  • Treasurer – Bob Gadbois reported on the status of the Treasury.  Contact Bob for further details.
  • Membership Report – Scott Reimer reported that there were 14 new individual members, 6 individual renewals, 4 new family memberships and 2 family renewals at Our World Underwater.  At the Chicago Maritime Festival there was one new individual member and one renewal.  Scott also reported on monies taken in.

Old Business

  • OWU & CMF – Bob Rushman said this was a success and thanked all booth volunteers, especially Rob Hughes and Julie Scheibe for setting-up and tearing-down the booth for both occasions.
  • Solon Johnson – Bob Rushman asked if “anything was set up” with Kimberly Krieling of the DNR. Tony Kiefer later replied that they provided to her the beach drawing done by Rob Hughes and the wreck report found by Jim Jarecki.  She is providing this information to the IHPA who are now evaluating whether they consider the wreck to be “historic.”

New Business

  • ICSSD Underwater Competition – Claire Gadbois spoke about the ICSSD to new members.  The Underwater Competition will be Sunday, March 10th, at the Elk Grove Pavilion, 1000 Wellington Avenue in Elk Grove Village.  Check-in starts at 11:30 am.  She stressed that March 10th is the start of daylight savings time, and you should set your clocks ahead an hour, or you’ll be an hour late.  Claire mentioned the UASC has won 1st place the past 3 years.
  • Meeting Location Update – Bob Rushman said the UASC will be meeting at the Chicago Maritime Society “probably through the end of their lease.”

Upcoming Events

  • ICSSD Underwater Competition, March 10, 2013 – Bob Rushman said Mike Brutlag will be team captain.  Those expressing interest in being on the team are: Don Doherty, Rob Thomas, John Bell (as support), Coren Warden, Rob Hughes, Julie Scheibe and Bob Rushman.  Claire Gadbois reminded everyone to bring their C-cards.
  • ROV Workshop with Mark Gleason, April 20-21 (rain date April 27-28) – This will be at Haigh Quarry.  The cost is $80 including a picnic BBQ.  Rob Hughes said all hotels in the area have “Haigh Quarry rates.”  John Bell said it is a “build your own” ROV; there is also a non-diver rate.  John Bell said he would check with Mark Gleason to see if people could keep the ROV they made.
  • Ghost Ships Festival, March 15-16 – This will be held at the Crown Plaza Milwaukee Airport Hotel.  Bob Rushman asked for booth volunteers.  Todd Hitzeman said there will be a Saturday night dinner at Amelia’s, featuring all-you-can-eat crab legs.
  • Great Lakes Shipwreck Festival, March 2 – At the Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor, MI.
  • Beneath the Sea, March 22-24 – At the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus, NJ.

 Other Business

  • Chicago Maritime Society – Jim Jarecki reported that the CMS “is missing two tubs of T-shirts that I was going to be selling here tonight.”  Jim asked anyone who helped pick up last October to please check and see if they have them.  Jim also said the CMS is also offering a free book to new members.
  • Ship Shape TV – Sarantis Alexopoulos mentioned that there is a new TV show on Aurora digital channel 24.2 (TUFF TV) that is called Ship Shape TV.  This is a show about boat repair and maintenance.  It is shown Tuesdays at 2:30 pm.
  • Refreshments – Thanks to John & Kat Bell for the provisions.  Next month will be pot-luck, and Scott Reimer volunteered for April.  Anyone interested in helping for future meetings contact Dan Kasberger.
  • Meeting End – The meeting ended with project leaders presenting reports and stating future goals for their endeavors.