Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00

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Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago


Meeting Minutes written February 24th, 2013


  • Approximately 40 members and guests met at 6:30 pm.  This month we met at Chicago Lighthouse, located at 1850 w. Roosevelt at the corner of Roosevelt and Wood.

Tonight's Presentation:

Was by Anna Roosevelt, PhD.  She is a renowned archaeologist, professor of Anthropology at UIC and former curator at the Field Museum. Her topic this evening was the discovery that Paleoindian cultures had settled in the Amazon River Basin shortly after the last ice age. This was much earlier than had previously been understood.  She discussed how abandoned settlement sites can be discerned by the presence of groves of Brazil nut trees.  Exploration of some of these sites has also involved  scuba diving.  This is due to higher water levels in the lower Amazon River basin, caused by the end of the last ice age.

Tonight's meeting was conducted by our President, Bob Rushman.

Refreshments were provided by: Clare and Bob Gadbois.

Board and Committee Reports

President Elect – Bob Rushman


Secretary - John Gerty provided copies of the minutes, from the last meeting, which were approved.

Treasurer – Bob Gadbois reported the status of the treasury, Contact Bob for further details,

Membership – Rosters were provided by Scott Reimer.

Web Site - Jack Bolous

Send any information, photos or suggestions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Content always appreciated.

ICSSD – Claire Gadbois reported on the Illinois Council of Skin and Scuba Divers: 

DiveHeart Liaison - Don Doherty

Diveheart is looking for donations of old scuba gear for pool training.

Check the DiveHeart web site: for info on upcoming events.

Our Current UASC Officers and Committee Chairs:


President: John Bell

President Elect: Bob Rushman

Vice President: Rob Hughes

Treasurer: Bob Gadbois

Secretary: John Gerty

The following committee chairs are:

Newsletter Editor:  John Gerty

Speaker Coordinator:  Jim Jarecki

Survey Coordinator: John Gerty

Webmaster:  Jack Bolous

Refreshments Coordinator:  Dan Kasberger

Membership Chair:  Scott Reimer

ICSSD Liaison:  Claire Gadbois

DiveHeart Liaison:  Gene Hasiak

Safety Coordinator:  Chet Childs

Training coordinator: Beth Plotner          

Old Business & Past Events:

  • November 30th,  Rouse Simmons Centennial Program will be presented at the Chicago History Museum. Christmas tree distribution from a U. S. Coast Guard Cutter will take place on December 1st.  Volunteers are needed for both events, contact Don Doherty or Chet Childs.
  • December 8th, Christmas Tree Schooner Play. This is a UASC social event.  It will be held a the Mercury Theater, Chicago
  • December 15th, LOUP & UASC Holiday Party
  • January 20th: Brendon Baillod’ Lecture has been rescheduled. The presentation will be either March 23rd or 30th.

Upcoming Events:

  • February 15-17th, Our World Underwater, Donald E. Stephen's Convention Center.
  • February 23rd, Chicago Maritime Festival.
  • February 27th UASC Monthly Meeting
  • March 10th ICSSD Underwater Competition. UASC has won three years in a row.  
  • March 15-16th, Ghost Ships Festival. Milwaukee, WI.
  • March 23rd or 30th, Brendon Bailod, Part II
  • April 20th, ROV Workshop with  Mark Gleason.
  • NAS Level I program may be presented again here in Chicago.

Other Business

Next meeting: Wednesday February 27th, 2013. We will be meeting back at the Helix Building on the 6th floor, at the Chicago Maritime Museum.  Doors open at 6:30pm

This meeting will feature UASC Survey reports on our current projects.  Planning for the upcoming season will be described.  If you want to become more active, this will help you choose.

The bow of the Solon H. Johnson  has blown ashore near Zion, Illinois by a late December storm.  UASC members mounted a survey trip on January 3rd.

This wreck was identified by Jim Jarecki. He and  survey leader Tony Kiefer have been documenting this small steamship for the past couple of years.  Just in time to see the wreck broken apart by the forces of Lake Michigan. 

New “T” shirts with an updated design are being produced, in time for the spring shipwreck event season.  They will be on offer for $20 to UASC members and $25 for non members.

The Federal Coastal Planning Commission has finally attracted support from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.  We were introduced to Kim Kieling form the DNR.  She attended our January meeting, and spoke with several UASC members.  We look forward to working with her in the future.  I am sure she will appreciate our support on current and future projects.

Refreshments provided by Bob and Clare Gadbois, thank you.

Requests: none made.

Sign up for meeting refreshments - Dan Kasberger
(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Refreshments coordinator.