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UASC Library Inventory
The UASC has these items in inventory, grouped by the following categories. To arrange to borrow them contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., unless another email is listed.
A.Ships and the Ocean, B. The Navy, C.The History of Diving and Diving as a Profession, D. Dive Manuals and Technical Diving, E. Dive Medicine, F. Worldwide Dive Stories, G. Famous Shipwrecks, H. The Great Lakes, Grouped by Area, I. Maritime Chicago, J. Reports of the Wisconsin Underwater Archeology Association, K. Reports of the Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago, L. Periodicals
Bascom, Willard, The Crest of the Wave, Adventures in Oceanography, Harper and Row, 1988, ISBN 0-06-015927-8
Brown, Joseph E, The Golden Sea, Man’s Underwater Adventures, Playboy Press, 1974, ISBN 87223-412-6
American Museum of Natural History, Introduction by Fabian Cousteau, Ocean, The World’s Last Wilderness Revealed, DK Publishing, 2009, ISBN 978-0-7566-6117-5
American Museum of Natural History, Gordon, Bernard L., Man and the Sea, Classic Accounts of Marine Explorations, Doubleday Natural History Press, 1972, Library of Congress #76-116208
Lavery, Brian, Ship, The Epic Story of Maritime Adventure, DK Smithsonian, National Maritime Museum, DK Publishing, 2004 ISBN 978-0-7566-6741-2
Wallace, Joseph, The Deep Sea, A Friedman Group Book, Gallery Books, 1987, ISBN 0-8317-2177-4
Alden, John D., Salvage Man, Edward Ellsberg and the U.S. Navy, Naval Institute Press, 1998, ISBN 1-55750-027-4
Bartholomew, Captain C.A., USN, Mud, Muscle, and Miracles, Marine Salvage in the United States Navy, A joint publication of the Naval Historical Center and Naval Sea Systems Command, 1990, ISBN 0-945274-03-3
Borghese, J. Valerio, Sea Devils, Italian Navy Commandos in World War II, Naval Institute Press, 1952, ISBN 1-55750-072-x
Raymer, Commander Edward C., USN, Descent into Darkness, Pearl Harbor, 1941, A Navy Diver’s Memoir, Presidio, 1996, ISBN 0-89141-589-0
Bachrach, Desiderati and Matzen of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc., A Pictorial History of Diving, Best Publishing Company, 1988, ISBN 0-941332-09-8
Brady, Edward M., Marine Salvage Operations, Cornell Maritime Press, 1960, ISBN 0-87033-051-9
Gores, Joseph N., Marine Salvage, The Unforgiving Business of No Cure, No Pay, Doubleday, 1971, Library of Congress # 70-139205
Marx, Robert F., Deep, Deeper, Deepest, Man’s Exploration of the Sea, Best Publishing Company, 1998, ISBN 0-94-1332-66-7 (Two copies, one signed by the author.)
Parker, Torrance R., 20,000 Jobs Under the Sea, A History of Diving and Underwater Engineering, Sub-Sea Archives, 1997, ISBN 0-9657823-3-6
Graver, Dennis and Wohlers, Robert, Padi Advanced Diver Manual, PADI, 1984
Halls, Howard, Guide to Successful Underwater Photography, Marcor Publishing, 1982, ISBN 0-932248-03-9
Singley, Katherine, The Conservation of Archaeological Artifacts From Freshwater Environments, Lake Michigan Maritime Museum, 1988
Roberts, Fred M., Basic Scuba, Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1960
Tucker, Wayne, Diver’s Handbook of Underwater Calculations, Cornell Maritime Press, 1980, ISBN 0-87033-254-6
Barsky, Thurlow and Ward, The Simple Guide to Rebreather Diving, Best Publishing Co.,1998, ISBN 0-941332-65-9
Bozanic, Jeffrey, Mastering Rebreathers, Best Publishing Co., 2002, ISBN 0-941332-96-9
Chowdhury, Bernie, The Last Dive, A Father and Son’s Fatal Descent into the Ocean’s Depths, Perennial, 2002, ISBN 0-06-019462-6
Lettnin, Heinz, K.J., International Textbook Of Mixed Gas Diving, Theory, Technique, Application, Best Publishing Co., 1999, ISBN 0-941332-50-0
Mount and Gilliam, Mixed Gas Diving, The Ultimate Challenge for Technical Diving. Watersport Publishing, Inc., 1993, ISBN 922769-41-9
Davis, Sir Robert, Deep Diving and Submarine Operations Parts 1&2, No. 1035 of 1500, Siebe, Gorman & Co., Ltd., Great Britain, 1951
Benett and Elliott, The Physiology and Medicine of Diving, Best Publishing Co., 1982, ISBN 0-941332-02-0
Lippmann, John, Deeper into Diving, An In-Depth Review of Decompression Procedures and of the Physical and Physiological Aspects of Deeper Diving, J.L. Publications, Australia, 1992
Nukols, Tucker and Sarich, Life Support Systems Design, Diving and Hyperbaric Applications, Simon and Schuster Custom Publishing, 1996, ISBN 0-536-59616-4
Yapor, Wesley, M.D., On-Site Management of Scuba Diving and Boating Emergencies, Best Publishing Co., 2002, ISBN 0-930536-02
Cahill, Robert Ellis, Finding New England’s Shipwrecks and Treasures, Chandler-Smith Publishing House, ISBN 0-916787-05-2
Cussler, Clive and Dirgo, Craig, The Sea Hunters, True Adventures with Famous Shipwrecks, Simon and Schuster, 1996, ISBN 0-684-83027-2
Cussler, Clive and Dirgo, Craig, The Sea Hunters II, More True Adventures with Famous Shipwrecks, Berkley Pub. Group, div. of Penguin ISBN 0-425-19372-1
Delgado, James, In Search of Famous Shipwrecks, Adventures of a Sea Hunter, MJF Books, 2004, ISBN-13 978-1-56731-893-7, ISBN-10 1-56731-893-2
Davison, Ben and Clinton, Larry, There’s a Cockroach in My Regulator! Bizarre and Brilliant True Diving Tales from Thirty Years of Undercurrent, Undercurrent Books, 2010, ISBN 978-0-615-33301-4
High, William, Beneath the Sea, A Sampling of Diving and Other Adventures, (Signed by the author) Best Publishing Company, 1998, ISBN 0-941332-67-5
Rousmaniere, John, After the Storm, True Stories of Disaster and Recovery at Sea, McGraw Hill, 2002, ISBN 0-07-142792-98
Waterman, Stan, Sea Salt, Memories and Essays, New World Publications, 2005, ISBN 1-87834-8-40-X
Fay, Charles Edy, The Story of the “Mary Celeste”, Dover Publications, 1988, ISBN 0-486-25730-4
Kinder, Gary, Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea, Atlantic Monthly Press, 1998, ISBN 0-87113-464-0
Kurson, Robert, Shadow Divers, The True Adventure of Two Americans Who Risked Everything to Solve One of the Last Mysteries of World War II, Random House, 2005, ISBN 0-375-76098-9
Lyon, Eugene, The Search for the Atocha, Harper & Row, 1979, ISBN 0-06-012711-2
Morris, Roland, Island Treasure, The Search for Sir Cloudesley Shovell’s Flagship “Association”, Hutchinson & Co., London, 1969 (signed by author)
Ratigan, William, Great Lakes Shipwrecks & Survivals, Edmund Fitzgerald edition, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1960, ISBN 0-8028-7010-4 (2 copies)
Rodgers, Bradley A., Guardian of the Great Lakes, The U.S. Paddle Frigate Michigan, The University of Michigan Press, 1996, ISBN 0-472=09607-9
Shaw, David W., The Sea Shall Embrace Them, The Tragic Story of the Steamship Arctic, The Free Press, Simon & Schuster, 2002, ISBN 0-7432-2217-2
Barry, James P., Wrecks and Rescues of the Great Lakes, A Photographic History, Howell-North Books, 1981, ISBN 0-8310-3000-3
Bowen, Dana Thomas, Shipwrecks of the Lakes, Freshwater Press, Inc., 1952
Bowen, Dana Thomas, Lore of the Lakes, Told in Story and Picture, Dana Thomas Bowen, Publisher, 1940
Donahue, James L., Steaming Through Smoke and Fire 1871, True Stories of Shipwreck and Disaster on the Great Lakes, Volume 1, Published by James Donahue in cooperation with the Historical Society of Michigan, 1990, ISBN 0-9626947-0-3
Feltner, Charles and Feltner, Jeri Baron, Great Lakes Maritime History: Bibliography and Sources of Information, Seajay Publications, 1982, ISBN 0-9609014-0-X
Harrington, Steve, Voices of the Lakes, Shipwrecks and Our Maritime Heritage, Great Lakes Diving Council, Inc. and Maritime Press, 1996, ISBN 0-9624629-4-2
Johnson, Kathy and Lashbrook, Greg, Diving and Snorkeling Guide to the Great Lakes, Pisces Books, 1991, ISBN 1-55992-046-7
Oleszewski, Wes, Great Lakes Lighthouses, American and Canadian, Avery Color Studios, Inc., 1998, ISBN 0-932212-98-0
Oleszewski, Wes, Sounds of Disaster, Great Lakes Shipwrecks, Avery Color Studios, Inc., 1993, ISBN 0-9322212-76-X
Oleszewski, Wes, Ghost Ships, Gales and Forgotten Tales, True Adventures on the Great Lakes, Avery Color Studios, Inc., ISBN 978-0-932212-83-2
Stonehouse, Frederick, Went Missing II, Avery Color Studios, 1984, ISBN 0-932212-37-9
Swayze, David D., Shipwreck! A Comprehensive Directory of Over 3,700 Shipwrecks on the Great Lakes, Harbor House, 1992, ISBN 0-937360-12-0
Woodford, Arthur M., Charting the Inland Seas, A History of the U.S. Lake Survey, Wayne State University Press, 1994, ISBN 0-8143-2499-1
I.THE GREAT LAKES, GROUPED BY AREA, Lake Michigan 1-6, Lake Superior 7-10, Michigan 11-16, Wisconsin 17-23
Creviere, Paul J., Wild Gales and Tattered Sails, The Shipwrecks of Northwestern Lake Michigan, Creviere, 1997, ISBN 0-9660328-1-0
Ripperth, JL, The Lake Michigan Wreck List, J.L. Rippeth Associates, 1988
Shelak, Benjamin J., Shipwrecks of Lake Michigan, Trails Books, 2003, ISBN 1-931599-21-1
Stabelfeldt, Kimm A., Explore Great Lakes Shipwrecks, Vol. I Covering Wrecks on Part of the Lower Lake Michigan, Stabelfeldt Publications, 1992, ISBN 0-9631770-0-1
Stabelfeldt, Kimm A., Explore Great Lakes Shipwrecks, Vol. II Covering Wrecks on the Upper Part of Lake Michigan and Green Bay off the Coasts of Wisconsin and Michigan, Stabelfeldt Publications, 1993, ISBN 0-9631770-1-X
Stabelfeldt, Kimm A., Explore Great Lakes Shipwrecks, Known wrecks around Whitefish Point and the surrounding area, Adventure Diving, Inc., 1998, ISBN 0-9631770-2-8
Marshall, James R., Shipwrecks of Lake Superior Including the complete story Edmund Fitzgerald, Lake Superior Port Cities, Inc., 1987, ISBN 0-942235-00-2
Stonehouse, Frederick, Isle Royale Shipwrecks, Avery Color Studios, 1989, ISBN 0-932212-08-5
Stonehouse, Frederick, Lake Superior’s “Shipwreck Coast”, Maritime Accidents from Whitefish Bay to Grand Marais, Michigan, Avery Color Studios, 1985, ISBN 0-932212-43-3
Stonehouse, Frederick, Munising Shipwrecks, Avery Color Studios, 1983, ISBN 0-932212-29-8
Dossin Great Lakes Museum, Michigan’s Nautical Time Capsules, Great Lakes Maritime Museum, 1985
Feltner, Charles E. and Feltner Jeri Baron, Shipwrecks of the Straits of Mackinac, Seajay Publications, 1991, ISBN 0-9609014-1-8
Kohl, Cris, Shipwreck Tales: The St. Clair River (to 1900), Cris Kohl, 1987, ISBN 0-9692326-6-7
Lane, Kit, Built on the Banks of the Kalamazoo, Pavilion Press, 1993, ISBN 1-877703-00-1
Michigan Underwater Preserve Council, Inc., A Diver’s Guide to Michigan Underwater Preserves 2003-2004, J.R. Underhill Communications
Rich, Craig, For Those in Peril, Shipwrecks of Ottawa County Michigan, In-Depth Editions, 2010, ISBN 978-09801750-2-8
Eaton, Conan Bryant, Death’s Door, The Pursuit of a Legend, Jackson Harbor Press, 1996, ISBN 0-9640210-7-2
Frederickson, Arthur C, and Lucy F., Ships and Shipwrecks in Door County, Wisconsin, Volume I, Clark Willit, 1961, renewed 1986
Frederickson, Arthur C. and Lucy F., Ships and Shipwrecks in Door County, Wisconsin, Volume II, Clark Willit, 1963, renewed 1986
Harrington, Steve, Divers Guide to Wisconsin Including Minnesota’s North Shore, Maritime Press, 1991, ISBN 0-9624629-9-7
Hirth, Walter M. and Mary K., Schooner Days in Door County, Graphic Arts Studio, Inc., 1986, ISBN 0-89658-061-X, signed by author (This book is water-damaged but readable.)
Van Harpen, Jon Paul, Images of America, Door Peninsula Shipwrecks, Arcadia, 2006, ISBN 0-7385-4014-5
Wisconsin Underwater Archaeology Association, Our Four Lakes, Their Legends, Sites and Secrets, An Underwater History and Diver’s Guide to the Four Lakes of Dane County, 2001
Chicago Maritime Society, Frese, Rita and Young, David, editors, A Treasury of Chicago Maritime History from Lumber Hookers to the Hooligan Fleet, Lake Claremont Press, 2008, ISBN 1-893121-30-5
McBriarty, Patrick, Chicago River Bridges, University of Illinois Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0-252-03786-3
Young, David M., Chicago Maritime, An Illustrated History, Northern Illinois University Press, 2001, ISBN 0-87580-282-6, signed by author
Aerts, Danny, Report on Leathem & Smith Quarry Site, 1990-1993
Cooper, David, Survey of Submerged Cultural Resources in Northern Door County, June 1989
Cooper, David and Rodgers, Bradley, Report on Phase 1 Marine Magnetometer Survey in Death’s Door Passage, Door County, Wisconsin 1989
Meverden, Keith N., Thomsen, Tamara, Carter, Matthew, The Golden Age of Sail on the Great Lakes: Underwater Archaeological Investigations of Wisconsin’s Sailing Fleet 2010-2011, Report Series #12-002
Merverden, Keith and Thomsen, Tamara, Myths and Mysteries: Underwater Archaeological Investigation of the Lumber Schooner Rouse Simmons, Christmas Tree Ship, Report Series #08-001, 2007
Thomsen, Tamara, Zant, Caitlin and Kiefer, Victoria, “A” is for Archaeology Underwater Archaeological Investigations from the 2016 and 2017 Field Seasons, Report Series #18-001
Van Harpen, Jon Paul, Jacksonport Historical and Archeological Findings of the Door County Maritime Heritage Society for the 1990 Field Work, Report #1
Gadbois, Robert, The Seabird, 1994
Keene, David and McManamon, John, The David Dows Map and Historical Profile – Centennial Edition, Chicago Maritime Society Underwater Archaeological Committee, 1989
Loftus, John, Bell, John, Jarecki, Jim, Hughes, Robert, Loftus, Ruth, Gerty, John, and Polonetzky, Samuel, Project Report for the Avocational Archaeological Survey of the Railroad Car Ferry Number 2 (Indiana Site 12La0642), February, 2016
Olson, Valerie, The Goshawk Project, A Reconnaissance Survey of the Great Lake’s Oldest Schooner, February, 1995
Olson, Valerie and MccManamon, John, The Wells Burt Report, A Report of the Survey of a Submerged 19th Century Schooner, 1991
Kohl, Cris and Forsberg, Joan, “Our World Underwater—The First 40 Years, Our World Underwater, 2010