Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00

Zoom Only

Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago

Meeting Minutes 27 March 2013

(Meeting Minutes written April 22nd, 2013 by John Gerty)


  • Approximately 40 members and guests met at 6:30 pm.  This month’s location was the Chicago Maritime Museum located on the 6th floor of the Helix Building on the southwest corner of Racine and Jackson.

Board and Committee Reports

  • President – John Bell welcomed everyone.  John Bell again extended the UASC/Our World Underwater New Member Special for any new members signing up at this meeting.
  • Secretary – John Gerty was present. The February meeting minutes were written by Clare Gadbois, thank you Clare.
  • Treasurer– Bob Gadbois reported on the status of the Treasury.  Contact Bob for further details.
  • Membership Report – Scott Reimer provided updated membership rosters.  Scott also reported on monies taken in.

 Old Business

  • OWU and CMF–The new UASC booth, which debuted at these shows, was deemed a great success.  The flexibility to expand into a double wide space demonstrated the booth’s adaptability. We thank Rob Hughes and Julie Scheibe for taking the lead on the booth make-over.
  • Ghost Ships Festival- After a brief delivery stumble due to a sudden illness suffered by Rob Hughes, Scott Reimer stepped in and brought the new UASC booth to Milwaukee.  The double wide configuration, across two exhibit spaces, provided an excellent stage for UASC.  A crab feast celebration at Emelia’s wrapped up the show.
  • ICSSD Underwater Competition – The Underwater Competition was held Sunday, March 10th, at the Elk Grove Pavilion.  UASC came in second, by a fin length.
  • Great Lakes Shipwreck Festival- Held in Ann Abor, Michigan was attended by Bob and Clare Gadbois.  They reported that it was quite similar to Ghost Ships.  As such, quite worthwhile, though further away.
  • Beneath the Sea, March 22-24 – At the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus, NJ.  Scott Reimer attended.  He reported that the venue was very worthwhile.  It is a much larger event though organized along the lines of OWU.  

New Business

  • Meeting Location Update – Bob Rushman said the UASC will be meeting at the Chicago Maritime Society “probably through the end of their lease.”
  • Thursday Dive Charters with Windy City Diving- UASC is in discussion to establish a series of scheduled dive dates this season with Captn. Jim Gentile.  These dives will be underwritten by UASC to provide support for current shipwreck research projects. Details shall be worked out and provided to the membership by the next meeting.
  • The Silver Spray Ship Wreck- Greg Lane's ship wreck project received more attention with a Chicago Reader feature article in the February 27th, 2013 issue.  Entitled An Endangered Piece of History Beneath Lake Michigan’s Surface, by Julia Thiel.  There's even a photo of Geg lounging upon the boiler.

Upcoming Events.

  • Amateur Underwater Film Festival, March 30th, Milwaukee Wisconsin. Sponsored be Milwaukee Dive Apparel.  Check their website for details.
  • ROV Workshop with Mark Gleason, April 20-21 (rain date April 27-28) – This will be at Haigh Quarry.  The cost is $80 including a picnic BBQ.  Rob Hughes said all hotels in the area have “Haigh Quarry rates.”  John Bell said it is a “build your own” ROV; there is also a non-diver rate.  John Bell said he would check with Mark Gleason to see if people could keep the ROV they made.
  • UASC April 24th Meeting- Our featured speaker will be Richard Lanyon, presenting discussion on the Sanitary and Ship Canal.
  • UASC May 29th Meeting- Our featured speaker will be Ted Karamanski, presenting a discussion on Great Lakes Sailing Vessels of the War of 1812.

 Other Business

  • Ship Shape TV – Sarantis Alexopoulos mentioned that there is a new TV show on Aurora digital channel 24.2 (TUFF TV) that is called Ship Shape TV.  This is a show about boat repair and maintenance.  It is shown Tuesdays at 2:30 pm.
  • Refreshments – Thanks to Dan Kasberger for his continuing organizing of the refreshments.  This month was the pot luck venue and we lucked out again.  The blue jello item was not to be missed.  Scott Reimer volunteered for April.  Anyone interested in helping for future meetings contact Dan Kasberger.  Jack Bolous, our erstwhile webmaster (and long suffering poster of my usually late minutes submissions) had a birthday this evening, Happy Birthday Jack.
  • Meeting End – The meeting ended with project leaders presenting reports and stating future goals for their endeavors.