Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00
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August 2007
Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago
Meeting Minutes 29 August 2007
Tonight's meeting was lead by Howard Openlander
Approximately 20 members gathered at the Helix Building
Officer Reports
Treasury – Bob Gadbois reported the state of UASC finances. Contact Bob for details.
ICSSD – Claire Gadbois reported ICSSD Activities:
Beach cleanup at Haigh Quarry 15 September. Raffle, with extra tickets for finding zebra mussels.
Pumpkin Carving October 7th, also at Haigh Quarry
President's Night Dinner October 20th. Bring Toys for Tots, unwrapped, with batteries, and non-violent.
ICSSD will hold elections next month.
Upcoming Events
September 6-8 - AGLMH Meeting,, Mackinac, MI
September 7-9 - Traverse City Underwater Summit
October 20 - Wisconsin UW Archaeology and Maritime History Conference ( 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ? )
October 20 - ICSSD President's Night Dinner - Cocktails start at 6:30.
October 27 - Chicago Maritime Society, Lecture on Great Divers of the Lakes in Fact and Fantasy
New Business
Howard Openlander displayed a copy of Time Out Magazine, and proposed that we announce future UASC meetings there.
Next month's speaker will be Tamara Thompson of the Wisconsin Historical Society, presenting the UW survey work that they did recently on the Rouse Simmons.
Gene Hasiak talked about a visit to the Glenview Naval Air Station Museum, and suggested a possible group outing to go see the displays there.
Shipwreck Surveys
Car Ferry Barge Number 2 - John Loftus reported no recent activity, possibly working on a Photo Mosaic?
Wells Burt Re-Survey - Jim Jarecki reported that Valerie Van Heest would be heading up a reunion dive on Dave Trotter's boat to examine the Wells Burt and see how it has changed since earlier survey work. Saturday September 15th, with Sunday the 16th as a backup date.
Featured Presentation
John and RuthLoftus provided a very interesting presentaiton on Our Maritime History - Schooners versus Steamers.
Howard Openlander presented pictures and stories of his trip to East Coast Maritime Museums
Other Business
Many UASC members adjourned afterwards to Jak's Tap for continued discussions and good food and drink.