Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00

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Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago

Meeting Minutes 29 August 2007


  •  Tonight's meeting was lead by Howard Openlander
  • Approximately 20 members gathered at the Helix Building

Officer Reports

  • Treasury – Bob Gadbois reported the state of UASC finances. Contact Bob for details.
  • ICSSD – Claire Gadbois reported ICSSD Activities:
    • Beach cleanup at Haigh Quarry 15 September. Raffle, with extra tickets for finding zebra mussels.
    • Pumpkin Carving October 7th, also at Haigh Quarry
    • President's Night Dinner October 20th. Bring Toys for Tots, unwrapped, with batteries, and non-violent.
    • ICSSD will hold elections next month.

Upcoming Events

  •  September 6-8 - AGLMH Meeting,, Mackinac, MI
  • September 7-9 - Traverse City Underwater Summit
  • October 20 - Wisconsin UW Archaeology and Maritime History Conference ( 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ? )
  • October 20 - ICSSD President's Night Dinner - Cocktails start at 6:30.
  • October 27 - Chicago Maritime Society, Lecture on Great Divers of the Lakes in Fact and Fantasy

New Business

  • Howard Openlander displayed a copy of Time Out Magazine, and proposed that we announce future UASC meetings there.
  • Next month's speaker will be Tamara Thompson of the Wisconsin Historical Society, presenting the UW survey work that they did recently on the Rouse Simmons.
  • Gene Hasiak talked about a visit to the Glenview Naval Air Station Museum, and suggested a possible group outing to go see the displays there.

Shipwreck Surveys

  •  Car Ferry Barge Number 2 - John Loftus reported no recent activity, possibly working on a Photo Mosaic?
  • Wells Burt Re-Survey - Jim Jarecki reported that Valerie Van Heest would be heading up a reunion dive on Dave Trotter's boat to examine the Wells Burt and see how it has changed since earlier survey work. Saturday September 15th, with Sunday the 16th as a backup date.

Featured Presentation

  •  John and RuthLoftus provided a very interesting presentaiton on Our Maritime History - Schooners versus Steamers.
  • Howard Openlander presented pictures and stories of his trip to East Coast Maritime Museums

Other Business

  •  Many UASC members adjourned afterwards to Jak's Tap for continued discussions and good food and drink.