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September 2007
Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago
Meeting Minutes 26 September 2007
Approximately 20 members met at our Helix location, including one new member, Chris Devlin. Chris is a member of the US Coast Guard Auxillary, and is working on a Masters degree involving artificial reefs.
The meeting was hosted by Don Doherty.
Officer Reports
Treasury – Bob Gadbois provided a treasury report. Contact Bob for more information.
ICSSD – Claire Gadbois reported:
The International Beach Cleanup at Haigh netted 81 pounds of Zebra Mussels.
ICSSD will be having an underwater pumpkin carving at Haigh on Sunday October 7th.
Elections were held. See the ICSSD web site for full details.
President's Night Dinner will be Saturday Oct 20th, 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. at Charlie's Char House. Contact Claire for tickets.
Diveheart is having their annual Luau Dinner Dance Fundraiser Saturday November 10th, 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. Contact Claire for tickets, or see the Diveheart web site for more information.
Membership – Roger Brown released a new membership roster, and invited members to note any changes or adjustments that need to be made. One announced change is that Kat Finn is now Kat Bell :-)
Newsletter –UASC is still looking for a newsletter chair - VOLUNTEER NOW ! ! !
New Business
Chris Kohl recently attended two meetings, the Association for Great Lakes Maritime Hisotry Annual Conference in Mackinac City, MI, and the 150th Anniversary Festival of the Pointe Aux Barques, MI Lightouse. Chris provided reports and images of the events, which were presented by John Bell in Chris's absence. Chris's handouts also included a detailed schedule of upcoming events around the country.
Shipwreck Surveys
Valerie Van Heest recently organized a reunion dive for UASC to revisit the Wells Burt on board of Dave Truitt's boat. Also present to share in the frivolities and to wish Valerie a HAPPY BIRTHDAY were Jack Van Heest, Don Doherty, Chris Kohl, Joan Forsberg, Chet Childs, Kieth Pierson, and John Bell. Images and stories were shared. Chris Kohl provided reprints of an article he wrote on the Wells Burt for Wreck Diving Magazine.
Tamara Thomsen and Keith Meverden from the Wisconsin Historical Society gave an EXCELLENT presentation on their survey work on the Rouse Simmons, including an in depth discussion of the photo mosaic that they prepared of the wreck. For more information, visit the following web sites: