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Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00

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Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago

Meeting Minutes Date 2007


  •  Approximately 25 to 30 members met at Helix, including two new members - Mitch Brandt and Mark Zahorik (sp?).
  • Vice President Joan Forsberg coordinated the meeting, and provided a wonderful spread of food from her diver's cookbook.

Officer Reports

  • Treasury – UASC has money. See Bob Gadbois for details.
  • ICSSD – Claire Gadbois reported:
    • Sept 15th Beach Cleanup at Haigh Quarry
    • October 7th Pumpkin Carving, also at Haigh
    • October 20th President's Night Dinner at Charlie's Char House
    • ICSSD is looking for nominations for diver of the year, club of the year, and event of the year.
  • Membership – 
  • Newsletter – 

Survey Reports

  • Car Ferry Barge #2 -- John Loftus: There was one outing this month, with Claire, Bob, and Tony. Took some videos and still photos.
  • David Wells -- Liz Jurkacek: Hope to get out the end of August.
  • Wells Burt -- There are no current buoys on this wreck.
  • The Straits of Mackinac ferry
  • St. Mary
  • Other Diving Reports

Old Business

  • Monday night music cruise -- Red Witch
  • June 30-July 1 -- WUAA Survey Project, Baileys Harbor, WI
  • Funding from State of Illinois

New Business

  • Howard Openlander: Petition to stop BP from increasing Lake Michigan pollution
  • Upcoming events:
    • August 4-5, 2007 -- Pointe Aux Barques (Michigan) Lighthouse Festival - 150th Anniversary
    • Sept. 6-8, 2007 -- Association for Great Lakes Maritime History (AGLMH) annual conference on Mackinaw Island. Val, Cris & Joan will be doing presentations. Thursday to Sunday
    • Oct. 20, 2007 -- Wisconsin Underwater Archaeology & Maritime History Conference. During the day in Milwaukee, open to all interested parties.
    • Oct. 20, 2007 -- ICSSD Presidents Night. Evening. Charlie's Char House
    • August 10-12 -- Traditionally Rigged Vessels in Kenosha, part of "Kenosha Days of Discovery".
  • Cris Kohl provided a list of newspapers available on microfilm at the Chicago main public library.
  • Pete Chval reported that there will be a cleanup of Burnham Harbor, at a date to be determined.

Guest Speaker - Valerie Olson Van Heest

Valerie Olson Van Heest has been involved in shipwreck research and documentation projects for the past 16 of her 26-year diving “career,” which began when, as a teenager, she worked for Dacor Corporation. As an Architectural Project Manager, Valerie utilizes her drawing and management skills in her avocational pursuit in underwater archaeology. Valerie served as Director of the Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago (UASC), where, for 8 years, she and fellow UASC members conducted projects on 20 Chicago-area shipwrecks, including the Wells Burt, Seabird, and Lady Elgin, all resulting in reports and slide presentations. She also worked on joint venture projects on shipwrecks in Lake Huron (the Goshawk), Lake Erie (the Jay Gould), and Biscayne Bay, Florida. In 1995, she married Jack Van Heest, who is also a diver, relocated to Holland, Michigan, and became President of the Southwest Michigan Underwater Preserve, a state underwater preserve designation which became official in 1999. Valerie has documented four of the Preserve’s shipwrecks, organized an ongoing search for the elusive wreck of the Chicora (West Michigan’s most enigmatic maritime mystery), and directed “The Verano, A Porthole to the Past,” a grant project from the Michigan Humanities Council. Recently Valerie founded Michigan Shipwreck Research Associates, and she directs research, an annual shipwreck show, and DVD productions with that group, which we will hear more about tonight. In 2006, Valerie was inducted into the Women Divers’ Hall of Fame.

Other Business

  •  Many UASC members adjourned to Ricobene's for continued conversation and camraderie.