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Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00

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Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago

Meeting Minutes 27 June 2007


  • The meeting was open by President Jim Jarecki at 7:05 PM at the Chicago Maritime Society HEadquarters on the 6th Floor of the Helix Building, 310 Racine Ave., Chicago
  • Jim welcomed new members and guests.

Upcoming Events

  • June 30/July1, 2007 -- WUAA survey project in Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin, if anybody is interested. Jim supplied a website and phone number.
  • Sept. 6-8, 2007 -- The association for Great Lakes Maritime History's annual meeting will be held in Mackinaw City, Michigan. Jim will be attending and Cris Kohl & Joan Forsberg and Valerie Olson Van Heest will be doing presentations.
  • Oct. 20, 2007 -- The Wisconsin Underwarter Archaeology and Maritime History Conference will be held in Milwaukee
  • Oct. 20, 2007 -- Illinois Council of Skinand Scuba Diving annual banquet, called Presidents Night. Tickets will be available at the next UASC meeting. There is enough time to be able to attend both the Conceference in Milwaukee and Presidents Night.

Officer Reports

  • Bob Gadbois gave the Treasurer's Report. There is $2,455.61 in the checking account and $4,300.00 in CD's. One of the CD's is coming due and Bob will roll it over.
  • There is no Membership Report
  • Recent Trip and Dive Reports
    • Car Ferry Barage #2 -- John Loftus reported that he had been out there three times and had put tape in place. The algae is blooming early and the visibility is very bad. They have marked some artifacts but they need more pictures of the artifacts. They also need video of the wreck. They have some photos for photomosaic which needs to be finished so that a drawing of the wreck can be done. Tony Kiefer shared an archival letter explaining what happened to the car ferry barage and showed a 1908 map of Chicago Harbor. This weekend (June 30-July1), John Michael Angelo Gagliardi and Jim Jarecki will be diving off John's boat and next weekend, John and Gadbois will be going.
    • Michae Angelo Gagliardi is booking charters for Monday Evenings to dive and photograph the Wells Burt, The Straits of Mackinac and the St. Mary. Tony sowed some of Michael Angelo's pictures that have almost a 3-D effect.

Other Business

  • Chris Kastle said that she and Tom are doing sunset cruise concerts aboard the schooner Red Witch Monday evenings out of Burnham Harbor. Joan Forsberg will look into getting a group together to go on July 23rd.
  • Joan Forsberg tolf the group about the Pointe Aux Barques Lighthouse Festival on August 4-5, 2007, in Michigan. She and Cris Kohl will be there.
  • Jim Jarecki, Joan Forsberg and Cris Kohl attended the underwarter archaeology cource in Traverse City, Michigan, on June 2-3, 2007 and reported that we still have to use someone like Gail Vander Stoep for courses for UASC but that Jim and Cris will qualify to be "Assistance Tutors" [NAS courses -- the (British) National Archaeology Society].
  • Howard brought a copy of the Chicago Tribune article about the sinking level of Lake Superior.
  • Cris reported that a group in Ohio discovered a new shipwreck in Lake Erie, thought to be the General Anthony Wayne which sank on April 27, 1850, off Vermilion, Ohio with 38 lives lost.
  • Jim reported that there has been some progress with the Sate of Illinois funding survey projects.
  • Howard will look into getting out meeting postd in Time Out Magazine.
  • Joan Forsberg will be Coordinator for he next meeting, July 25, 2007, and the Guest Speaker will be Valerie Olson Van Heest.

Tony Kiefer was the featured Speaker for tonight's meeting. He showed the Zion Mystery Wreck presentation that had been produced about photomosaic techniques using Panavue.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM.

This meeting was transcribed from the original PDF available here.