Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 20th, 2024, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, 

Zoom Only

Friends of UASC:

Short version:  UASC will meet this Wednesday, Sept 26th, on the SIXTH floor of the Helix Building, 310 S. Racine at Jackson.  Social hour will start at 6:30 with some light refreshments, business at 7:00, and at 8:00 our special guest speaker will be Peter Hirthe, President of the Wisconsin Marine Historical Society, who will speak to us about Lake Michigan schooners.

Complete version:

As many of you know and many others do not, the Helix Building has been sold, which means that UASC must find a new place to meet, at least for as long as the remodeling is taking place.  We are currently exploring many different options, including the possibility of returning to the 8th floor after the remodeling is completed.  For the September 26th meeting we will meet at the Chicago Maritime Society space on the SIXTH floor of the Helix building, two short flights below our normal meeting location.  We will probably try out some other candidate locations in October and November, so make sure to check your e-mails for the location before coming to those meetings.  ( UASC does not meet in December.  Hopefully we can settle on a stable location in time for for 2013. )

For this month at least our time schedule will remain the same:  6:30 light refreshments, 7:00 business, 8:00 main speaker, with the catch that we need to be out of the building as promptly after 9:00 P.M. as possible.

Next I am pleased to announce our speaker for this month is Peter Hirthe, President of the Wisconsin Marine Historical Society in Milwaukee.  Peter has promised to speak to us on "Schooners of Lake Michigan" with some focus on "how to" research from the Great Lakes Marine Collection of the Milwaukee Public Library.  He has also promised to bring plenty of "Schooner Days In Door County" books. It has sold steady in Door County and they are ramping up a holiday sales effort this Fall.  ( The book sells for $30, and Peter may have some signed copies with him. )

Hoping to see some of you at the meeting,

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