Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 20th, 2024, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, 

Zoom Only

UASC Members:

Next week's September meeting will be held on the SIXTH floor of the Helix building, not the 8th.

Here's the rest of the story:

All of the tables and chairs have been removed from the 8th floor meeting room, in preparation for remodeling work, so even if we got permission from the new owners to meet there, we wouldn't have anywhere to sit.  Bob Rushman is looking into the possibilities of meeting there again after the remodeling is completed, but that won't be for at least another 6 months, and probably longer.

For next week's meeting we will meet in the Chicago Maritime Society's space on the SIXTH floor of the Helix building, partly so that anyone who comes to the wrong location by mistake won't have far to go to find the right place.  One of the constraints is that we will have to leave the space promptly at 9:00, so we will need to keep the meeting on schedule and not hang around afterwards.

Looking to the future, I expect we will try out two different locations, to be determined, for our October and November meetings, and then hopefully pick somewhere "permanent" starting in 2013.  Bob Rushman is in charge of this whole process, so please send him any ideas or information you may have.  ( Please cc: me also, particularly if you have pictures of the proposed spaces, so that I can put the info into the slides for discussion at next week's meeting. )

One candidate location is Jak's Tap, just down the street from Helix.  Many of our members have seen their restaurant, ( which would NOT be suitable for our meetings ), but have not had a chance to see their meeting rooms.  I have therefore made arrangements for those rooms to be available for our inspection next week after our meeting, so anyone who is interested in seeing the options there and discussing them on site is welcome to walk or drive down the street to check them out.  ( This will probably be instead of Ricobene's, as I don't imagine anyone wants to go to three different places. )

Full details on next week's meeting will follow in a separate e-mail.  For now I just wanted to give everyone an early heads-up on the new location.

