Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00

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Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago


February 27, 2019


President Colin Bertling welcomed two new people to the meeting:  Kevin O’Connor and Keith Knickerbocker.  Dean Nolan presented Colin with the official presidential hoodie with signatures from past UASC presidents on it.  Colin reported that OWU netted 20 new members and 10 renewals.  Over $1300 was taken in but the booth cost $800.  Special thanks were also given to Steve Arnam for presenting at OWU and to Keith Pearson for his tribute to Bob Gadbois.  The winner of the new diver raffle was Jeff Bedore.

The November minutes were approved.  

ICSSD:  Underwater competition is scheduled for March 24that the Elk Grove Pavilion.

Secretary Claire Gadbois announced she will not be at the UASC March meeting.

Dean Nolan said Chase Bank requires signatures from the new officers.

Colin Bertling said the new UASC library could use shipwreck books and that if anyone has duplicates, to consider donating them.

Jim Jarecki & Keith Pearson are working to create and place memorial plaques for Chet Childs and Robert Gadbois on the Straits of Mackinac Shipwreck.  More copies of “Chicago Shipwreck” DVD’s need to be made.  Jim also noted that Don Smith is recovering from double bypass surgery.

Chicago Maritime Museum: Jim Jarecki said that the Maritime Museum is having Dennis McClendon talk on Cartographic Tales of Chicago History at their 3rdFriday event (March 15th).

The meeting ended with Colin Bertling giving a short presentation on the Iowa which sank in February 1915.  The main speaker was Dave Thompson with help from Andy Kinoshita, Vice President of the Mudwater Archeology Society.  The subject was “The Colombia Riverboat Project”, detailing a riverboat which sank on July 5, 1918.

The April meeting will have Ben Sells talking about “Tunnel Under the Lake”.