Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00

Zoom Only

UASC Minutes

August 26, 2015

Bob Rushman welcomed 20 members and guests.

No treasurer's report. Printed minutes are available on the front table.

No old business. Survey training will be coming up.

  • ICSSD - Tickets to the Presidents' Night Banquet on October 24 are $35 until Sept. 1 when they will be $45. Remember to bring a new toy for the Marines' toys for tots program. Cocktails start at 6 with dinner at 7 and the location is the same as last year, Klas Restaurant in Cicero, IL. Award applications are due Sept. 17. September 19 will be beach clean-up. Pumpkin carving at Haigh Quarry is October 4.
  • Surveys - John Loftus, Tony Keifer and Jim Jarecki dived and worked on the David Dows, Eric's Wreck, Mea's Tug, Solon H. Johnson and the Material Service Barge. Eric's Wreck is 150 feet long and Jim was shocked by how much the Material Service has degraded over the last couple of years.
  • Trip on the schooner, Denis Sullivan is August 29. Dean said that 15 people have signed up. If you are interested, call Discovery World in MIlwaukee.
  • The Ridge Historical Society would like a presentation from UASC on a Sunday in October or November and there is a call for volunteers. They would like something possibly about wreck structures at the bottom of the lake. Bob Rushman will go. Chet mentioned that he has given a talk about the unmarked graves in Mt. Greenwood from a crib fire and could do that.
  • Rick Stratton from Scuba and H2O Dive News Network contacted Bob suggesting that we institute reciprocal links to each others web sites. DNN normally charges $250 for links on DNN but has offered this to UASC at no charge. It can be used to publish our events. We’ll add the DNN link to the UASC website as soon as possible.
  • Refreshments. Dan Kasburger sent a message that he had questions about the refreshments arrangements since members didn't want to feel a responsibility for providing a large spread. Ad hoc seems to be working fine. Sam Polonetzky volunteered to continue to do the candy run and everyone else should just bring what they can.
  • The Association for Maritime History meets Sept. 9-12 at the Wisconsin Maritime Museum in Manitowoc. and has a public meeting on the 17th. There will be a meeting Sept. 16-19 in Louisville of the Association for State and Local History followed by and a visit to the Howard Steamshipin Jeffersonville, Indiana . The Illinois Association of Museums and the Illinois State Historical Society will be on Sept. 24-25 in Springfield. Talk to Jim Jarecki for details.
  • Tom Palmisano has offered his boat for next week and will take three divers. Bob will work out details.

Featured speaker- Chet Childs on Aircraft in Lake Michigan. (Tom Palmisano, who has done 30 recoveries, also gave information about raising the planes and aircraft details. Bud Brain added many insights. )

The meeting was adjourned around 9 pm and the next meeting will be September 30.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Carol Sommers.