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UASC Meeting

April 29, 2015


Bob Rushman thanked all those who worked the UASC booth at the Chicago Maritime Festival, Our World Underwater, and the Ghost Ships Festival. As of now the UASC has gained 14 new members plus one additional member, Ryan Fly who joined tonight. Bob also reported that the Chicago Maritime Festival at its new location was a good event but a little crowded.


  • IllinoisCouncil Report

Claire Gadbois gave the following report:

Jim Haigh Memorial Dive------------- July 19, 2015

At Haigh Quarry in Kankakee

International Beach Clean Up---------Sep. 19, 2015

At Greenwood Beach in Evanston. Food will be provided by the Council. Weather permitting; people may dive on the George Morley Shipwreck.

Underwater Pumpkin Carving Dive--Oct. 4, 2015

At Haigh Quarry. Haigh provides the pumpkins. The Council provides food---bring a side dish.

Presidents’ Night Banquet-------------Oct. 24, 2015

At Klas Restaurant in Cicero, IL

  • ChicagoMaritime Museum Report

Jim Jarecki reported that the Chicago Maritime Society is having its annual meeting on May 12 at the Chicago Yacht Club, Belmont Station (300 W. Belmont). Cost is $60/non-member, $50/member. The speaker will be Dirk Lohan, grandson of the late architect Mies van de Rohe. Jim also reported that the museum is expanding its area by 4000 square feet.

  • Please pay your dues if you have not yet

Bob Rushman noted that several members have already renewed. He asked those who haven’t yet renewed to do so.

  • Wreck Checker Update

Copies of the latest edition of the “Wreck Checker” are available on the front table; thank you John Gerty for producing the publication.

  • IllinoisRailway Museum

Samuel Polonetzky reported that the new curator of passenger cars is reassigning the exhibit space. The car ferry exhibit won’t be open until April 2016 but UASC will probably have the same assigned space.

  • First Aid/CPR

Bob Rushman reported the original First Aid/CPR arrangements fell through. Gene Hasiak volunteered to contact Sam Frank, and Sam Polonetzky volunteered to contact Mike Leibovitz.

  • Land-Based Survey Training

Jim Jarecki said that having a class at the Chicago Maritime Museum would be constrained. He suggested having the event at Haigh Quarry where people could get acquainted with each other and could dive as well. Jim also thought it best to have an NAS instructor. John Bell agreed to contact NAS and check on pricing.

  • Dive Coordinator---Keith Pearson

Bob Rushman reported that Keith Pearson will be scheduling dives in the near future. Bob will be contacting him.

  • Short Presentations by Members---Schedule

Bob & Claire Gadbois will be doing a presentation about the Seabird at the May 27th meeting. Dean Nolan will be presenting at the June meeting. Chet Childs suggested topics from the DAN website.

  • Dive Charter Raffle

The new-member winners are:

Joseph Stara-----------Lender

Andre Zayas-----------Double Action

Ryan Fly---------------Windy City

  • Other Business

John Bell reported that their May 18th meeting the Chicago Scuba Meetup will have Robert Kurson, author of “Shadow Divers,” give a talk about his upcoming book. Meetings are 7:00 pm at Jak’s Tap, 901 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago.

Gene Hasiak said that Veterans Village in Ford Heights is in need of demolition volunteers to rip down walls as part of a rehab project. Work times are Saturdays from 9 am to 1 pm. This compound serves homeless veterans.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, May 27th.


The meeting ended with Paul Ehorn giving a presentation on the wreck of the Westmoreland, sunk in a storm near Sleeping Bear Dunes in 1854. Paul provided some great video of the wreck along with some interesting anecdote’s from his extensive diving experience.