Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00

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Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago

Meeting Minutes 27 August 2014

(Meeting Minutes written by Beth Plotner)


  • Approximately 25 members and guests met at 7:00 pm. The meeting was held at the Chicago Maritime Museum located in the Bridgeport Arts Center, 35th at Racine, Chicago.

Board and Committee Reports

  • President - Bob Rushman welcomed everyone.
  • Secretary– Beth Plotner reported on the minutes.
  • Treasurer – No report this month.

Business Meeting

  • Illinois Department of Natural Resources – No updates.
  • Field trip to Portage National Heritage site tours 10 am first Saturday of the month. Some members who were present for last month’s presentation attended the August tour.
  • ICSSD – Claire Gadbois reported the Presidents Night Dinner is to be held on October 25 the last Saturday in October at Klas Restaurant in Cicero tickets are priced $35 before September 1st. Saturday, September 20th is beach cleanup dive in Evanston at Greenwood beach where the George Morley is located. October 11th is the underwater pumpkin carving dive at Haigh Quarry.
  • Chicago Scuba Meetup – Dean Nolan reported that the speaker for next month’s meeting is from the Alliance For The Great Lakes.
  • Survey Reports –
  • Car Ferry - John Bell is transferring notes from a recent dive into a report. He said they are also preparing to present at OWU and Ghost ships the finished report.
  • Silver Spray – Jonathan Plotner has completed the work and is editing his report.
  • Wreck Checker – John Gerty would like submissions for the next issue.
  • Thursday night charters – There has been little interest.
  • Next meeting is September 24th and the guest speaker is TBD.

Other Business:

  • Discussion of promotion of UASC. Ideas of presenting every year at OWU and Ghost ships. There seems to be no urgency to further promote UASC. Suggestion of project leader to coordinate a week night dive. Having more events where people can get together like picnic and training dive at Haigh or at the morley. We did a training/picnic at Haigh that was well attended.
  • Questiions about redoing old projects/updating. Problems with getting people to do drawings as there are just a few people who are willing to draw.
  • Questions about how detailed and accurate do our representations have to be? Wrecks change from year to year. What is accurate one year may not be accurate the next.