Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00

Zoom Only

Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago

Meeting Minutes 25 June 2014

(Meeting Minutes written by Beth Plotner)


  • Approximately 25 members and guests met at 7:200 pm. The meeting was held at the Chicago Maritime Museum located in the Bridgeport Arts Center, 35th at Racine, Chicago.

Board and Committee Reports

  • President – Robert Rushman welcomed.
  • Vice President – Rob Hughes informed the meeting of his and Julie’s presentation to the Rotarian Club of Park Ridge and that a few people signed up on our email list. Rob also spoke about the video playing before the meeting of several wrecks and that we will be doing this regularly with new wrecks being added.
  • SecretaryBeth Plotner reported on the minutes.
  • Treasurer – Julie Scheibe gave the balance of the treasury.

Business Meeting

  • Illinois Department of Natural Resources – No updates. Illinois Costal Area proposed name of Marine Park for Lake Michigan.
  • Claire Gadbois reported Pirates Cove in Kankakee is no longer in operation.
  • ICSSD - Presidents night October 25 the last Saturday in October tickets will be available at the next meeting. The Jim Haigh Memorial dive would be on July 20th. September 20 beach cleanup dive in Evanston at Greenwood beach where the George Morley is located.
  • Maritime Society reported that this coming Friday night the Society will have a brain storming session about what the exhibits should be for the museum. They are bringing in design professionals to run the meeting and it is open to all.
  • Chicago Scuba Meetup has several charters and a shore dive of the JD Marshall in Hammond coming up.
  • Survey Reports –
  1. oCar Ferry - John Bell went out once so far but still needs another dive day to finish the dive work.
  2. oSilver Spray - Jonathan Plotner reported he needed one good dive day of about 6 divers and a boat. He feels that should be enough to get the measurements needed to finish.
  3. oCar Ferry Exhibit at the Illinois Railway Museum Sam reported Jim Jerecki came out to the museum and said that a good exhibit would be doable with our resources but if we could get a grant we could do a great exhibit.
  • Thursday night charters – Robert Rushman reported Jim Gentile will give us a discount for a project dive as he has done in the past
  • Jim Jerecki said that the National Archives are open the 2nd Saturday of the month and asked who would be interested in coming in with him on July 12th. Several people expressed interest and an email will be sent out to the membership. Jim said he will call ahead and ask them to hold several items in advance that would be of interest to us.
  • Robert Rushman asked those that give presentations let more people know so they can come and observe so they can feel more comfortable giving presentations themselves. Either let Robert Rushman know or send out an email.
  • Next meeting is July 30th and the guest speaker is TBD

Other Business


Featured Speaker: Bob Gadbois

Topic: D Days Sunken Secrets

This month being the 70th anniversary of the D Day invasion Bob and his wife Claire had visited Normandy in France and thought the group would be interested in a video he brought back.