Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00

Zoom and in-person at the Chicago Maritime Museum, 1200 W 35th St, Chicago, IL 60609

Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago

Meeting Minutes 30 October 2013

(Meeting Minutes written October 31st, 2013 by John Gerty)


  • Approximately 29 members and guests met at 6:30 pm. This month's location held at Jak's Tap 901 West Jackson St..

Board and Committee Reports:

  • President - John Bell welcomed everyone.
  • Secretary - John Gerty was present. The June meeting minutes were submitted.
  • Treasurer - Bob Gabois, reported on the status of the Treasury.
  • Membership Report - Scott Reimer provided updated membership rosters.

Old Business:

  • Kim Kreiling, our Illinois DNR representative, has said that Gov. Quinn is on board for an underwater park in the Chicago area. Specific detailed proposals are being formulated for presentation to the Illinois legislature.

New Business:

  • The Novembe 20th, 2013 UASC Meeting: Election for UASC officers will be held: The Nominating Committee is composed of Jim Jarecki, Don Doherty, and Chet Childs.
  • The candidates for UASC officers are: President: Robert Rushman; Vice President: Robert Hughes; Secretary: Beth Plotner; Treasurer: Julie Scheibe
  • ICSSD reported by Claire Gadbois:
  • October 19th was ICSSD's President's Night Dinner : At Angelo's Restaurant in Elmhurst.
  • October 26th was the WUAA Annual Conference: Held at the Discovery Center in Milwaukee.
  • Survey Reports:
  • Car Ferry Barge No. 2: Car Ferry Barge No. 2 Reference Grid: Two dive days during the past month; one more dive day needed; expected to complete report on time for deadline required by permit..
  • Val's Wreck: Nothing new to report.
  • Flora Hill: Nothing new to report.
  • Silver Spray: Jonathan Plotner reported a preliminary survey plan has been developed and is expected to be implemented by the next meeting..
  • Wells Burt: Jim Jarecki met with Dawson Museum, who is open to an arrangement to receive the wreck artifacts. However, the artifacts belong to the people of the State of Illinois, held by permit by UASC, so it may be difficult to release them out of state. Jarecki to provide Kim Kreiling with an inventory of the artifacts.
  • Solon H. Johnson: Tony Kiefer has completed additional surveys of the wreck. Stakes have been replaced. The scouring of the wreck at the stern revealed new artifacts - plumbing, fittings, parts of tools, a few dozen bricks. These have been photographed. The keel has broken off and is buried at the back. The wreck has undergone significant changes, and continues to change from dive to dive. (Note, the bow has totally disappeared). Jarecki has completed additional research, including the discovery that the shot line used in the rescue was sent to St. Louis in 1903 for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition
  • Chicago Scuba Meetup: Held on 3rd Mondays at Jak's Tap.
  • Chicago Maritime Society: Needs assistance with cataloging packed boxes. Contact Jim Jarecki if you can volunteer.

Other Business:

2014 Dues: A $5.00 dues increase has been decided upon by the board. This has been due to expected increased costs pertaining to meeting space. We will also have pre-printed dues renewal and information verification forms available at the November meeting, and will mail out any that are not picked up at the meeting. As discussed earlier, dues have increased by a modest $5 to $40 for Individuals or $55 for Families, with new reduced rates available to those members for whom the regular rates pose a hardship. ( e.g. unemployed members, full-time students, etc. ) Note that all dues expire December 31st, regardless of when you originally signed up or last paid your dues.

Featured Speakers: November: Bob Gadbois. For the presentation hour this month we will be having "Movie Night", courtesy of a generous donation to UASC by Bob Gadbois of a collection of 18 videos, covering shipwrecks such as the Wells Burt, the Alvin Clark, Tym Barge, the David Wells, the Christmas Tree Schooner Rouse

Simmons, the Seabird, the Lady Elgin, the Ancient Forest Coring Project, the Naval aircraft training carriers, the history of UASC by founder

Valerie Van Heest, "This Old Boat" by UASC Trustee Dave Truitt, and other related topics. A full list will be available at the meeting, and

selections will be chosen by group request. (If anyone else has videos of a similar nature that they would like to share, please feel free to bring them along. ).

Upcoming Events:

  • January 29th is the first UASC Meeting of 2014: Our speaker will be Joan Forsberg, presenting a program about the Great Lakes Shipwrecks From The War of 1812. The location is TBA. Location of the January meeting is TBA. Thank you Jim Jarecki for arranging our speakers.
  • Holiday Party with CSM, UASC & LOUP: CSM - LOUP - UASC Holiday Party Friday December 6, 2013

Mack's Golden Pheasant Restaurant and Bar

668 W North Ave. Elmhurst, IL 60137

(630) 279-8544

This year's Holiday Party is at Mack's Golden Pheasant Restaurant and Bar

Friday, December 6, 7:00 cocktails, 8:00 dinner

Followed by members presentations. "Our mini Our World Underwater". We will have the entire downstairs hall to ourselves.

Invite your friends and bring the entire family.

We Look Forward To Seeing Everyone Here as this is always a fantastic event!

The Dinner will be family style, and the food here is Very Good!. The menu will be as follows:

Home Baked Bread

Soup - TBA

Salad - Tossed Salad with a choice of several dressings

Entrees - Roast Sirloin of Beef, Mostaccioli with Marinara sauce, and Roast Chicken

Vegetable - Broccoli and Carrots

Starch - Whipped Potato with Gravy

Desert - Apple Strudel (Awesome)

The cost of the dinner does include non-alcoholic beverages

There will be a cash bar.

When you RSVP please email Scott and let us know if you would prefer a Vegetarian plate : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Entertainment : Please bring a few of your slides, short video, or media presentation to share with the group.

Parking : - All around the Restaurant and is free

Cost: - $30/per person, checks made out to "LOUP". This is less than last years Holiday Party!!!!!!

You can give checks to Bob Gadbois or Robert H. Hughes at the CSM, LOUP, or UASC meetings or mail them directly to:

Scott Reimer

4681 Kenilworth Dr., # 307

Rolling Meadows, IL 60008

My mobile number is (847) 561-2272.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

*We need to give a final count 10 business days before the event. We cannot guarantee a seat for those that show up, the day of the event, without a reservation. If you know you are not planning on coming and don't want to get anymore emails or phone calls about this event please let me know that too

  • New Year's Eve Party: TBD.
  • NAS Level I Course: Another course is being proposed; 6 members present indicated interest.
  • NAS Level III: Credit is being applied for those participants in the ROV Workshop held in the spring. Submission of a syllabus appears to be sufficient to earn this credit.
  • Brendon Baillod: This program will be on Research Methodology. Unfortunately scheduling conflicts have delayed this for the time being.
  • Upcoming Shows (Robert Hughes to coordinate UASC booth):
  • Our World Underwater (2/14-2/16)
  • Chicago Maritime Festival (2/22)
  • Ghost Ships (3/14 - 3/15)
  • Milwaukee Amateur Underwater Film Festival will be held in March. See for more information. They will also be launching an online photo competition, specific to Great Lakes Shipwrecks.
  • Chicago Maritime Society update (Jarecki): CMS is in the process of packing and moving, temporarily to the 1st floor, then to 35th St. UASC donated $500 towards moving costs. CMS could use volunteers to help pack, weekdays from 10-4, call the office or Jarecki for more information


Other Business:

  • Refreshments - Thanks to Dan Kasberger for his continuing organizing of the refreshments. .
  • Adjournment: Discussions continue after the meeting at Union Park or Ricobenes's.