Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00

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Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago

Meeting Minutes 31 July 2013

(Meeting Minutes written August 27th, 2013 by John Gerty)


  • Approximately 30 members and guests met at 6:30 pm.  This month’s location was the Chicago Maritime Museum located on the 6th floor of the Helix Building on the southwest corner of Racine and Jackson.

Board and Committee Reports

  • President – John Bell  welcomed everyone. 
  • Secretary – John Gerty was present. The June meeting minutes were submitted.
  • Treasurer –Bob Gabois, reported on the status of the Treasury.
  • Membership Report – Scott Reimer provided updated membership rosters. 

Old Business

  • Jim Haigh Memorial Dive, July 28th– At Haigh Quarry; there will be a day of diving followed by a potluck dinner at 5:15pm and a night dive.
  • Annual Eastland Dissaster Program- In Wheaton at the Eastland Fellowship Authority, Center for History.

New Business

  • Thursday Night Dive Charters with Windy City Diving- UASC has agreed to establish six scheduled dive dates this season with Captn. Jim Gentile.  These dives will occur on Thursday evenings.  Cost will be underwritten by UASC to provide support for current shipwreck research projects. 4 to 6 divers will be accommodated.  Cost will be  $40 pp with 6 divers; $50 pp for 5 divers; or $60 pp for 4 divers.  Support is only for specific plans to accomplish specific goals on current research projects.
  • The Brendon Baillod program on Research Methodology: This follow-up program is still being worked on.  An announcement will be made via email once things are decided upon.
  • NAS Level I Course: Another course is being proposed; Date TBD; Kevin Cullen would conduct the course. 
  • NAS Level III:  Credit is being applied for those participants in the ROV Workshop held in the spring.  Submission of a syllabus appears to be sufficient to earn this credit.
  • Next UASC Meeting is August 28th: The speaker is to be announced in the next meeting announcement email. Thank you Jim Jarecki for arranging our speakers.
  • ICSSD reported by Claire Gadbois:
  • September 21st: International Beach Clean-up Day
  • October 19th President’s Night Dinner : At 6:30pm at Angelo’s Restaurant in Elmhurst
  • Survey Reports:
  • Car Ferry Barge No. 2: Nothing new to report..
  • Val’s Wreck: Nothing new to report.
  • Flora Hill: Nothing new to report.
  • Silver Spray: Jonathan Plotner reported a preliminary survey plan has been developed.
  • Wells Burt: Nothing new to report.
  • Solon H. Johnson:  One dive trip was accomplished.  Water was 52 F; some drawing was conducted, but a late start and the cold water hampered efforts.
  • July 31st speaker is: John Gerty may report on the Mystic Seaport Museum or the San Diego Maritime Museum.
  • Illinois Department of Natural Resources: Kim Krieling is the liaison for the DNR.  An underwater park for Chicago area shipwrecks is being  developed for submission to the Illinois legislature.
  • Kim Krieling : Requested a list of artifacts, held by UASC.  These are primarily from the Wells Burt and have been stored at various locations by UASC members.
  • Webmaster:  Jack Bolous brought up the issue of difficulties with organizing the Thursday Night Project Dives, which Windy City Diving has offered to support.
  • Bob Gadbois: Is creating a video archive of past UASC surveys.  A list will be posted on the web-site and access to the videos will be available  throught the members only area.
  • Chicago Scuba Meetup: Held on 3rd Mondays at Jak’s Tap.

Other Business

Thank you Chet Childs and Jim Jarecki for providing tonight’s refreshments.

Refreshments for the August meeting have yet to be arranged..

Featured Speaker: John Gerty

Subject: Mystic Seaport Maritime Museum

UASC Secretary John Gerty will report on the Wooden Boat (Magazine) Show held at Mystic Seaport Museum, in Mystic, Connecticut.  The museum has a large collection of historic watercraft on a site which mimics a New England maritime port.  There is a full boat works on site.  The whaling ship Charles W. Morgan, built in 1841 and active until 1928, has been recently restored at Mystic.

Upcoming Events.

  • UASC- Scheduled speakers have been named for October: Stephen Cullen, of WUA; November: James Delgado; December: Holiday Party; January 2014: UASC Survey Project Reports.
  • Tall Ships Chicago at Navy Pier:  August 7th -11th.  There is a Group-on discount available.
  • Association for Great Lakes Maritime History:  Septmber 13th-14th; Mission Point Resort, Mackinac Island: Beginning with a reception on Thursday evening, plans for this year’s conference include an opportunity to visit a number of sites on historic Mackinac Island which was the site of one of the earliest battles of the War of 1812 on the Great Lakes. In addition to its capture by British forces at the start of the conflict, following the Siege of Fort Mackinac, the island was also the site of one of the first setbacks for American forces following their naval victory at the Battle of Lake Erie in 1813

Other Business

  • Refreshments – Thanks to Dan Kasberger for his continuing organizing of the refreshments.
  • Meeting Ended – The meeting ended with project leaders presenting reports and stating future goals for their endeavors.
  • Adjournment: Discussions continue after the meeting at Union Park or Ricobenes’s.