Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00
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October 2011 Minutes
Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago
Meeting Minutes 26 October 2011
Approximately 40 members and guests met at 6:30 on the 8th floor of the Helix Building, 310 S. Racine at Jackson.
New Members:
Guests: Teddy Montoya, Ben Long
Guest Speaker -UASC Project Reports- See below for full details.
Tonight's meeting was run by Don Doherty, with refreshments provided by Teddy Montoyo and others
Board and Committee Reports
President - Don Doherty
November meeting the 30th.
Secretary - John Bell provided copies of the minutes from the last meeting, which were approved.
Treasurer – Bob Gadbois reported the status of the treasury
Contact Bob for further details
Nomination of 2012 Officers
Nominating Committee: Jim Jarecki, Joan Forsberg recommend:
President: John Bell
Vice President: Bob Rushman
Treasurer: Bob Gadbois
Secretary: John Gerty
Other Nominations still accepted from now until the elections - Contact Jim Jarecki
Membership – Rosters were provided by Scott Reimer at the last meeting. No new changes.
Renewal notices for 2012 are available tonight and will be mailed after tonight's meeting.
Survey Coordinator - John Gerty
See field work reports below
Safety - Chet Childs
Nothing to report at this time.
Web Site - Jack Bolous
Jack is working on some new features, to be ready by the next meeting.
Send any information or suggestions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ICSSD –Chuck Miller reported on the Illinois Council of Skin and Scuba Divers:
Oct 2 - Pumpkin Carving Dive - Run by Tritons. Excellent day, lots of good food. Bob Rushman won best carving for a shark eating a fish eating a diver.
Oct 15 - International Beach Cleanup. Co-hosted with Diveheart. Blackwell Forest Preserve in Warrenville.
Oct 22 President Night's Dinner at Sawa's.
Scott Reimer - Diver of the Year
Dan & Cindy Howard - Humanitarians of the Year
CASA - Club of the Year
Collections for Toys for Tots
Signup sheets available for working the ICSSD booth and the OWU show at large.
DiveHeart Liaison - Gene Hasiak
Luau - Downers Grove American Legion Post, $35, November 12th. Raffle, silent auction.
Two weeks ago in Elgin, Ruth Magnus and Mike Brutlag as instructors
Chicago Shipmasters Association- Group of Ships captains running tugs, freighters, etc. on the great lakes. Looking for a program for the springtime. Pete Chval is the contact.
Fieldwork / Underwater Archaeology
Sidescan Sonar - John Bell
Progress report of recent activities since the June meeting
Nice overlap of two passes from the Illinois / Holly Barge scans
Preliminary scans of the Tacoma, Louisville, and Jim's Rocks
Reference tagging on the Car Ferry Number two continues.
Reference grid development - Most tags have been placed, and progress is being made collecting measurements between them. Participants include John & Ruth Loftus, John Bell, Don Doherty, Jim Jarecki, Tony Kiefer, Mark Engelsman, Jerry Boldenow, Eric Vaandering, Jackie Rae, Scott Reimer, and Jack Bolous.
The grid of reference points lines up very nicely with the sidescan images.
More measurements are needed around the bow area and some amidships.
Measurements need to be taken to features once the reference grid is completed.
Hoping to use the site for a classroom / training ground once the reference grid system is well established.
Car Ferry Number 2 - John Loftus
One of the most-dived wrecks of the group, but we still discover new things on every dive.
Tony Kiefer's pictures of explosion sites.
Images of screw jacks taken by John Gerty, from a museum in Manistee.
Sector Scanning - Preparation was done, but scanning got blown off the lake.
Reference tag system - see above.
Valerie's Wreck - Don Doherty
Several UASC members have surveyed the site over the last two years.
Michael Angelo is working on a photo mosaic.
2500 images extracted from a video, reduced to a few hundred.
Lots of artifacts - Dating to the 1920s and 1930s.
Zion Schooners - Tony Kiefer
Originally in Dale Bennet's book.
Near the Zion subchaser.
Two schooners, one on top of theaother
Actually a single wreck, not two.
Wood lath cargo. Not deliberately scuttled.
Approximately 20 feet wide.
Three artifacts of a very interesting shape.
Complete from bow to stern.
In 15 feet of water.
Single cylinder steam engine. 1870s?
Rudder is in place.
Lots of interesting artifacts - mechanics wrench, etc.
Jim Jarecki - Identification of the wreck.
We know the size, cargo, type ( steamer )
Identified as the Solon H. Johnson
Jim has the history of the Coast Guard response to the sinking.
Jim has lots of research references.
Cargo helped a lot in the identification.
Silver Spray - Greg Lane
Built as Bloomer Girl, 1894
Wrecked on Morgan Shoal in Hyde Park, Chicago
Steam, Propeller, Wood, Passenger & Package
Official No. 3679
109.2 feet long ( x width x height. )
Lost in July 1914
Greg gives free swimming tours every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
Boiler, Firebox, Debris Field, Drive shaft, Propeller, other parts.
Propose to do a survey of the wreck site. - Locate identify and catalog all artifacts, uw photos, drawings history, . . .
New marina being built at 31st street --> Increasing Traffic.
Park District proposal to develop in this area.
Need to protect this shipwreck site to prevent destruction by development.
Potential Allies - U of Chicago, MSI, Hyde Park Historical Society, Preservation Society
Desmond ? - Images of shipwreck artifacts discovered off Indiana Beach
Other Business
OTHER: Miscellaneous new business items should be brought up – briefly – now.
Speakers are always needed.
THANKS to Teddy Montoya, Ruth Magnus, Mike Brutlag, and others for providing tonight's refreshments.
Chuck Miller looking for volunteers for Our World Underwater - ICSSD and the show.
Bob Gadbois to give a LadyElgin presentation at the Civil War Museum in Racine on Dec 9th.
Oct 12 - Joan spoke at Shpwreck Tales of Chicago. Mather Lifeways, Senior Group.
Nov 2 - 5 DEMA. Dive Equipment Manufacturers Association - Joan and Bill attending.
Sign up for meeting refreshments - Dan Kasberger Refreshments coordinator.
Nov -
Slate of Officers recommended by the Nominating Commitee:
President: John Bell
Vice President: Bob Rushman
Treasurer: Bob Gadbois
Secretary: John Gerty.
Additional nominations accepted up until the actual vote. Contact Jim Jarecki to make additional nominations.
Refreshments to be provided by TBD
Speaker: - TBD
Guest Speaker -- Various UASC Project Leaders
The focus of this month's meeting was the underwater archaeology field reports described above.
Other Business
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:00, after which a number of members retired to Ricobene's for further discussions and socializing.