Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00
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May 2010 Minutes
Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago
Meeting Minutes 26 May 2010
Approximately 25 members and guests met at 6:30 on the 8th floor of the Helix Building, 310 S. Racine at Jackson.
Tonight's meeting was run by Dean Nolan, with food provided by Chuck and Margo Miller. ( Joan Forsberg could not make it due to flooding in her basement that had to be attended to immediately. )
Board and Committee Reports
Secretary - John Bell provided copies of the minutes from the last meeting, which were approved.
Membership – Rosters were provided by Scott Reimer. Current rosters only include members whose dues are current for 2010.
Treasury – Bob Gadbois reported on the state of UASC finances.
Contact Bob for further details
ICSSD – Bob Gadbois reported on the Illinois Council of Skin and Scuba Divers:
Chuck Miller - The Coast Guard is proposing to shut down helicopter operations from Waukegan.
This would mean over an hour response time to this area of the lake, ( as compared to 17 minutes now from Waukegan. )
ICSSD gearing up to petition against the proposed change.
The last time this came up ICSSD gathered 15,000 signatures.
Republican Congressman Mark Kirk from Highland Park is appealing to keep the Coast Guard here.
Waukegan site has 10 years to go on a 15-year lease. There is also an available site in Calumet that the gov't owns. Chicago Police has a helicopter pad and facility for supporting a second chopper.
If you would like to help distribute copies of the petition, please contact Chuck Miller.
Location and cost TBD. ( Old Warsaw in Broadville ??? )
Nov 9 - Board Budget Meeting
Newsletter – Cris Kohl is out of town
Cris getting caught up.
Cris thanks all who contribute to the newsletter, past and future.
Survey Coordinator - John Gerty
Trip to buoy the Flora Hill didn't happen.
John Bell and Jeff Rouse dove the Car Ferry this morning, with assistance from Jerry Boldenow. Installed a new marker jug and a new centerline tape, and cleaned up the old tape from last year.
Still planning to do the sector scan sonar.
John G analyzing pictures of the Material Service taken by Tony. Will probably need to be drawn by handl.
Need list of wrecks to scan with sector scan unit.
Car Ferry, Material Service, Rotarian, Mystery Wreck.
Sign up if you have suggestions
Some wrecks in progress
Dive Coordinators - Michael Angelo Gagliardi and Ruth Magnus couldn't make it tonight.
2 Dives chartered each with Windy City and Dale Bennet.
Windy City - May 15 and June 5
Dale Bennett Enterprises - June 19 and July 10
Charters are posted on the UASC Google calendar.
Door County Chez Magnus- Aug 7 to ??
DiveHeart Liason - Gene Hasiak wasn't here this month.
Old Business
NAS Course
May 22-23 at UIC
This was an excellent course !
Nautical Archaelolgical Society, based in England, one of the few organizations that certifies amateurs.
13 UASC members completed the course, in addition to the 4 who had completed it earlier in Michigan.
Current UASC NAS I certified members are ( in alphabetical order ) John Bell, Jerry Boldenow, Mike Fiedler, Joan Forsberg, Bob Gadbois, Claire Gadbois, John Gerty, Gene Hasiak, Jim Jarecki, Tony Kiefer, Cris Kohl, John Loftus, Ruth Magnus, Beth Plotner, Jonathan Plotner, Scott Reimer, and Jeff Rouse
Bill Messner suggested coordinating with the underwater archaeology course offered by Dan Howard at D.J.s Scuba - Roger Barski is no longer involved in that course.
New Business
Buccaneer Update - Bob Rushman
The sinking will most likely occur on a weekday during either the week before Father's Day or the following week.. Need to give a weeks notice to the DNR / Coast Guard. Towing company will pick a specific date based on weather, probably short notice.
Bob and Hank going out Friday.
Funds to pay the towing company appreciated. Donate to Tim Early Foundation earmarked to Buc. Motion made for UASC to donate to the Fund. Top donors will earn a spot to view the sinking from the Oasis - Contact Hank or Jim for details.
There will be some holes cut in the decking for diver safety. Doors will be held permanently either opened or closed for diver safety.
Hank putting more concrete in next week.
Dive Planning - see above. Get your ideas and wishes to Ruth or Michael Angelo.
Washington IslandTrip
Ruth could not be here tonight.
They will probably be there the weekends of August 7th and 14th, and the week between.
Proposed dates for the UASC gathering are August 7 to ???
Please send any ideas you have for speakers to Joan Forsberg.
Technology Committee has been formed to evaluate a number of issues, composed of Past Presidents and a few others with technological expertise. ( e.g. Hank Fiene and Bob Rushman )
Considering purchasing a Humminbird side-scan sonar unit similar to Jim Gentile's on the R/V Aquatica.
Tom Chemir is interested in building an ROV.
Dave Thompson and Brian Abbot of Nautilus Marine Group have offered to come and do sector side scans of our wrecks.
Schedule to be determined.
Survey Projects 2010 – Buccaneer, Material Service, and Rotarian - See below
Sign up for meeting refreshments - Dan Kasberger Refreshments coordinator.
Thanks to Chuck and Margo Miller for tongiht's refreshments
Don Doherty - June
Pot Luck - July ?
Joan Forsberg - October
Todd Hitzeman - November
OTHER: Miscellaneous new business items should be brought up – briefly – now.
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday June 30, 2010 - Speaker TBD
Refreshments to be provided by Don Doherty. ( Pot Luck in July? )
Shipwreck Survey Projects
Buccaneer - To be scuttled in 2010 in ??’ - Clean-up Leader: Bob Rushman.
Awaiting on final approvals. Then last minute cleaning, concreting, and a quick sinking.
Material Service - Sank on July 29, 1936 in 38’ - Project Leader: Jim J./John L./Tony K./Cris K.
Contact Cris or Joan if you have any relevant materials - Report to be generated soon.
Barge No. 2 - Sank on Sept. 29, 1906 in 40’ - Project Leader: John Loftus
Project may be nearing completion.
The Rotarian - Scuttled on September 28, 1931 in 80' - Project Leader: Tony Kiefer
The Straits of Mackinac - Scuttled on April 10, 2003 in 78’ - Project Leader:Needed
Guest Speaker -- Don Doherty and Bob Gadbois - Lake Michigan's Ancient Underwater Forest
These tree stumps, dated at 7,000 to 8,000 years old, are located several miles off shore and help domonstrate how the lakes have changed over the eons. UASC members helped in documenting and retrieving core samples from this site some years ago. Don and Bob showed two short films, "The Ancient Forest Coring Project" and "The Rise and Fall of the Great Lakes." This was a very interesting presentation, that was well appreciated by the entire audience.
Other Business
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:00, after which a number of members retired to Ricobene's for further discussions and socializing.