April 7 training for "Get a Vet Wet", 7 to 8 P.M. at Diveheart Headquarters.
Newsletter – Cris Kohl
The March/April newsletter was distributed.
Cris thanks all who contributed to the newsletter.
The May/June newsletter will be distributed at the June meeting.
Dive Coordinator - Michael Angelo Gagliardi
Michael e-mails his reports to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., as he cannot make meetings.
May 11 - Straits of Mackinac ( fun dive. )
May 25 - Rotarian - blown off, re-scheduled for Monday June 15th, one spot open.
Old Business
New Business
Buccaneer - Bob Rushman
Next workday scheduled for next Saturday or Sunday, TBD.
Redecking the stern, and general cleanup this weekend.
Wear old clothes, knee pads, eye protection, gloves, etc. & bring a lunch.
Buc is now resting on the bottom, since the river level dropped two feet.
Steam cleaning to hopefully be done this weekend.
Chicago Maritime Trail
Cris & Joan visited Thurnderbird center in Alpena and spoke with the people who did the WI Maritime trail.
They will be providing full information so that we can extend the existing trail around the Great Lakes.
Then we will contact politicians for funding.
N.A.S. Course in Underwater Archaeology
Cris - Wayne Lusardi is one of the few qualified instructors, has been teaching the course in Alpena.
He will come down here and teach for free, since he is NOAA supported, IF we have enough people.
3-day course. ( Part I out of IV possible. )
Scheduling will be challenging.
$65 textbook + $10 certification card, otherwise no charge.
UASC cost - gas money, meals, lodging ( chez Kohl & Forsberg )
Chicago Maritime Society -- Call 312 665-7334 (Trigg Waller) for free membership
UASC’s new Chicago shipwrecks DVD
$15 for the public, $12 for members
40% discount available to anyone who buys 10 or more. ( $9 each. )
Tentative Club Dives:
George Morley shore dive & picnic -- Cheryl Wickstrom & Dean Nolan coordinators.