Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago
Meeting Minutes 25 March 2009
Approximately 40 members met at 6:30 on the 8th floor of the Helix Building, 310 S. Racine at Jackson.
Three new members and several guests attended tonight's meeting.
One new member signed up at tonight's meeting. :-)
Tonight's meeting was run by Joan Forsberg, with food provided by Ruth Magnus and Mike Brutlag
Board and Committee Reports
Secretary - John Bell provided copies of the minutes from the last meeting, which were approved.
Membership – Scott Reimer is working on udating the membership lists.
Treasury – Bob Gadbois reported on the state of UASC finances.
Dues are past due ! Please get checks and ( updated ) info to Bob.
Contact Bob for further information.
P.O. Box was out of order, but is now reinstated.
ICSSD – Claire Gadbois reported on the Illinois Council of Skin and Scuba Divers:
Feb 19 - Club Appreciation Night
March 29 - Underwater Competition
Pavilion Pool Complex, 1000 Wellington Avenue, Elk Grove Village
Arrive by 8:00, Events start at 9:00 a.m.
John Bell will be captaining the UASC team.
July 26 - Jim Haigh Memorial Dive at Haigh Quarry
Sept 19 - International Beach Clean Up
Oct 4 - Underwater Pumpkin Carving Dive at Haigh Quarry
Oct 10 - President's Night Banquet and Raffle
Nov 3 - ICSSD Budget Meeting
UW Christmas Tree Decorating?
July 20-26 a charity dive will be held to break the world record for the longest dive.
DiveHeart support
April 7 training for "Get a Vet Wet", 7 to 8 P.M. at Diveheart Headquarters.
Newsletter – Cris Kohl - New newsletter will be available for the next meeting..
Old Business
Chicago Maritime Festival was a big sucess.
The UASC booth was very popular.
The Shipwreck Detective project was well received and also very popular.
Several UASC members gave presentations
Ghost Ships Festival was also a great show.
The booth garnered a few new memberships, and some book sales for Seawolf Communications .
Many UASC members attended the show, and greatly enjoyed the presentations.
Certificates of appreciation were awarded to Dean Nolan, John & Ruth Loftus, Bill Messner, Cris Kohl, Gene Hasiak, Diane Gulzinski, John Bell, Don Doherty, Ruth Magnus, Mike Brutlag, Dan Kasberger, Chet Childs, Roger Brown, Bob Gadbois
New Business
Cris & Joan will be writing for the Midwest Dive News May issue.
John Gerty reported that work is re-commencing on the buc. Water got into the ship, and oil has re-coated some surfaces ( not as bad as before. ) Some wiring and other materials were removed.
Upcoming Shows
“Mysteries and Histories Beneath the Inland Seas ,”
7-9:30 PM, Sat., April 25, 2009
Knickerbocker Theater, Holland, MI. $12.50 advance, $15.00 at the door.
Feb. 19-21, 2010: The SPECIAL 40th “Our World -- Underwater ” Show, Chicago, IL
Feb. 27, 2010:
=March 5-6, 2010 (Fri. & Sat.) -- 11th annual “Ghost Ships Festival ,” Milwaukee, WI
$10 savings to the 2010 show for new members to UASC
$5 savings to the 2010 show for regular members.
UASC shirts -- Jim Jarecki
UASC’s new Chicago shipwrecks DVD -- Sales; New 2009 UASC Memberships
Tentative Club Dives:
George Morley shore dive & picnic -- Dean Nolan & Cheryl Wickstrom coordinators.
Washington Island (Door Co.) -- Labor Day weekend -- Ruth Magnus, coordinator
10 Acres chez Magnus
14 divers showed hands of interest
No air on the island, but tanks available in Chicago.
Don Doherty arranging a trip back to Bonne Terre
First or second weekend in May
Dives to the Chicago wrecks of the Iowa and the Flora M. Hill (and others?)
Mai Tai - Milwaukee area 37' luxury catamaran would like to come down and do a weekend charter.
Boat price of $540 / 6 divers 2 tanks each.
Would want to fill the boat Saturday and Sunday - Could be different divers.
Diveheart Project
Jim Elliot would like to take disabled divers to Chicago area shipwrecks.
Jim should be a guest speaker at the May meeting.
Dan Barret attended and spoke at tonight's meeting.
Diveheart Military Wounded, DMW - Working with wounded veterans, particularly from Iraq.
Weekend training for HSA, Handicap Scuba Association. Get certified to be a dive buddy or instructor for handicapped divers.
April 7 Get a Vet Wet Meeting at Diveheart Headquarters.
May 31st Spring into Summer fundraiser.
Chicago “Maritime Trail” markers -- “Shipwrecks Off Lake Shore Drive” -- Cris Kohl & Joan Forsberg
XRay online magazine
Gene Hasiak arranged interviews with Peter
Broadcast a radio show to the world from UASC ?
Where should we go with this?
SURVEY PROJECTS 2009: Surveys/Drawings to be completed; detailed reports to be written:
Executive Decision: The Material Service report WILL be published this year.
See Below
UASC 20th Anniversary Celebrations
George Morley Picnic and Dive
If we get the Buc sunk this year, Hank Fiene will throw the party.
Still looking for other good ideas.
Roger Brown - Frank ?? who used to own the Chippewa is in the hospital and would like to receive visitors
CPR - April 3rd at Chet Childs' house.
Howard and Glen Openlander are leaving. :-( Tonight is their last meeting. Moving to Mesa AZ.
THANKS to Dan Kasberger (Refreshments Coordinator) and Ruth Magnus and Mike Brutlag for tonight’s refreshments
NEXT UASC MEETING: 6:30 PM, Wednesday, April 29, 2009.
Speaker TBD
Refreshment coordinator for 2009 is Dan Kasberger.
Shipwreck Survey Projects
Buccaneer - To be scuttled in 2009 in ??’ - Project Leader: Bob Rushman.
Material Service - Sank on July 29, 1936 in 38’ - Project Leader: Jim J./John L./Tony K.
Photographers recently dove on the Material Service and collected info to complete the project.
Barge No. 2 - Sank on Sept. 29, 1906 in 40’ - Project Leader: John Loftus
Project may be nearing completion.
The Straits of Mackinac - Scuttled on April 10, 2003 in 78’ - Project Leader:Needed
Guest Speaker
Other Business
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:00, after which a number of members retired to Ricobene's for further discussions and socializing.