Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00
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July 2008
Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago
Meeting Minutes 30 July 2008
Approximately 25 members met at 6:30 at the 8th floor of the Helix Building, 310 S. Racine at Jackson, including UASC's newest member, Locklin Michael Bell ( with proud parents John & Kat Bell ).
Tonight's meeting was run by Joan Forsberg, with food provided by John & Ruth Loftus
Board and Committee Reports
Secretary - John Bell read the minutes from the last meeting, which were approved.
Treasury – Bob Gadbois reported on the state of UASC finances. Contact Bob for further information.
ICSSD – Claire Gadbois reported on the Illinois Council of Skin and Scuba Divers:
Applications for Diver of the Year, Club of the Year, and Humanitarian of the Year are due by September 18th.
20 July - Jim Haigh Memorial Dive at Haigh Quarry. Live bands, auctions, half price entry. Proceeds to benefit the Shedd Aquarium's Volunteer Diver Program.
20 Sept - International Beach Clean Up at Haigh Quarry. Zebra Mussel collection, raffles, food, T-shirts.
5 October - Underwater Pumpkin Carving Dive at Haigh Quarry, sponsored by CASA.
11 October - Presidents' Night Banquet and Raffle at Charlie's Charhouse, 1180 W. Devon, Elk Grove Village. Cocktails at 6:00, Dinner at 7:00. Tickets are $42, for sale in July. Please bring Toys For Tots, unwrapped, non-violent, with batteries.
29 August - Boy Scouts looking for volunteer divemasters to help out at Haigh Quarry. Donations of money or food are also appreciated. For further information contact Robert Richmod Jr. at 630 645-9831.
Membership – Scott Reimer provided updated membership lists.
Newsletter – Cris Kohl - The July/August newsletter has been mailed and is available at this month's meeting.
Website –Brian Hopkins and John Bell will be working on updating the web site. Any feedback will be welcome.
Old Business
Door County Dive Trip -- June 27-29, 2008 -- Joan Forsberg, trip coordinator
A dozen UASC members and friends had a great time, with diving, picnicing
E.R Williams, and Roen Barge were dove on Saturday.
Rained out on Sunday, but a great time was had visiting museums, etc.
New Business
The Buccaneer Project - Bob Rushman coordinator extraordinaire not present tonight. Cris Kohl reported in his absence:.
Contact John Bell if you would like to be added to the Buccaneer project mailing list.
Thanks to all who have helped with the cleanup so far.
Tons of garbage have been removed.
Help needed this Saturday - Contact Cris if you can help.
UASC shirts - In progress.
OW-U Call for Speakers. Forms available, due August 15th.
Chicago “Maritime Trail” - Can we make signs similar to those on the Wisconsin Maritime Trails for the Chicago area?
Discussions were held regarding maps of Chicago area shipwrecks to be developed:
On the web site, with rollovers
On a DVD, to be sold as a money-maker
As a poster / brochure to be posted in local area dive shops.
Chris Kastle taking on new position as Director of Education at the St. Augustine Lightouse and Museum in FL. Will continue to direct Chicago Maritime Festival.
Revised edition of "Beneath the Inland Seas" is now out, including a chapter on Cornelia B. Windiate by Cris Kohl. Also a new book "Ghosts of the Shipwreck Coast".
NEXT UASC MEETING: 6:30 P.M. on Wednesday August 27th. Speaker: Doug Gossage of Goose's SCUBA in IN will be talking about his side-scan sonar operations and Refreshments by John Bell.
Suggestions are always welcome for future guest speakers.
Shipwreck Survey Projects - See Below
Shipwreck Survey Projects
Buccaneer - To be scuttled in 2008 in ??’ - Project Leader: Bob Rushman?.
Material Service - Sank on July 29, 1936 in 38’ - Project Leader: Jim J./John L./Tony K.
Photographers recently dove on the Material Service and collected info to complete the project.
Barge No. 2 - Sank on Sept. 29, 1906 in 40’ - Project Leader: John Loftus
Project may be nearing completion.
The Straits of Mackinac - Scuttled on April 10, 2003 in 78’ - Project Leader:Needed
Guest Speaker
Patrick Hammer started diving in Florida more than 40 years ago. Patrick, A PADI Instructor, opened his first store in 1974, and presently has dive shops in Orland Park and in Florida. Patrick is one of PADI’s oldest course directors, not in age, but in years of experience. He became a PADI Director in 1975 and has conducted training since then, across the country and in the Caribbean. In 1999, Patrick became President of “Our World--Underwater,” the largest scuba show in the Midwest. In 2002, he became instrumental in the sinking of the large ship, The Straits of Mackinac, off Chicago.
Other Business
The meeting was adjourneda at approximately 9:00, after which a number of members retired to Ricobene's for further discussions and socializing.