Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00
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April 2008
Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago
Meeting Minutes 30 April 2008
Approximately 25 members met at 6:30 at the 8th floor of the Helix Building, 310 S. Racine at Jackson.
Tonight's meeting was run by Joan Forsberg, with food provided by Diane Gulczinski
Board and Committee Reports
Secretary - The March minutes were read and approved.
Treasury – Bob Gadbois reported on the state of UASC finances. One of our CDs is coming due May 6. Contact Bob for further information.
ICSSD – Claire Gadbois reported on the Illinois Council of Skin and Scuba Divers:
July 20 - Jim Haigh Memorial Dive at Haigh Quarry, Live band, auction, food and grills available.
Sept 20 - Beach Cleanup day at Haigh Quarry. Collect the most Zebra Mussels to win big prizes.
Oct 5 - Underwater Pumpkin Carving at Haigh, sponsored by CASA.
Oct 11 - President's Night Dinner, probably at Charlie's Char House.
Membership – Roger Brown was absent
Newsletter – Cris Kohl reported that two newsletters have been published in 2008, and that the deadline for submissions for the next newsletter is May 14th. We should have the May/June newsletter available at the May meeting.
Old Business
Great Lakes Shipwreck Festival (revival), Detroit area, MI -- April 19, 2008. Cris Kohl reported that this was a great show and that everything went smoothly. There were approximately 300 attendees, including a number of UASC members. The show will definitely repeat in 2009.
Bonne Terre Mine, Missouri, Dive Trip -- April 25-27, 2008. Don Doherty was the leader of this trip, but could not make the April meeting., Cris Kohl showed 35mm slides and John Bell showed computer images, and both had printed pictures available for inspection at the back of the room. In short, this was a WONDERFUL trip, and everyone who went had a wonderful time. ( Below L-R: Bob Rushman, Don Doherty, Kate Rushman, John Bell, Scott Reimer, Joan Forsberg, Cris Kohl. Not pictured: Dawn Kuhl and Heather Kuchowski )
A CPR Class was held at Chet Childs' house, conducted by Sam Frank. Approximately half a dozen UASC members and one neighbor attended, and all agreed it was a good course and a great value.
New Business
Door County Dive Trip -- June 27-29, 2008, Joan Forsberg, trip coordinator.
One six-pack is reserved and a second can be, allowing for 6 or 12 divers.
Cost is $115 / day for two days of diving, for $230 each.
Two morning dives per person. Afternoons are free, and there is lots to see and do for divers and non-divers alike in Door County.
Likely dive sites include the Frank O'Connor, the Pilot Island Wrecks, the E.R. Williams, and the Louisiana.
The Patio Motel in Sister Bay has rooms at $69 / room for two persons, or $76 for three persons.
They have 8 rooms including two queen suites, a.k.a. The Party Rooms.
There are also rollaway beds available.
Clean-up Days for Members’ Boats: Boat owners are encouraged to inform UASC ( e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) when they are doing work on their boats that members can help out with. Members are encouraged to respond positively.
N.A.S. Courses - Cris Kohl spoke regarding some upcoming underwater archaeology courses being offered by the Nautical Archaeology Society through Northwestern Michigan College. This is a weekend course, currently free except for the textbooks. The June and September courses are both full, but there may be another course added.
Shipwreck Survey Projects - See Below
NEXT UASC MEETING: 6:30 PM, Wednesday, May 28, 2008. Refreshments? Speaker: Jim Gentile Topic: The Buccaneer Project
Future guest speakers:
Patrick Hammer - was scheduled for June, now rescheduled to July.
Richie Kohler - Tentative, depending on his dive schedule in Lake Michigan.
Suggestions are always welcome.
Chris Kastle announced the recent release of "From Lumber Hookers to the Hooligan Fleet, A Treasury of Chicago Maritime History", edited by The Chicago Maritime Society, containing an article on Maritime Music by Tom and Chris Kastle. Autographed copies available from Chris.
Howard Openlander announced that Eagen Marine in Lemont has a number of interesting ship models, including a 6-foot lone one, as well as a number of real working tugs.
Joan Forsberg announced that the Door County Maritime Museum would like to establish a relationship with UASC.
Shipwreck Survey Projects
Material Service - Jim / John L / Tony
Barge No. 2 - John Loftus
David Wells - Liz Jurkacek
The Straits of Mackinac
Guest Speaker
Larry Boucha - Larry’s fascination with the underwater world began when, as a boy, he spent summers snorkeling along the Chicago lakefront. He worked as a photographer for his high school newspaper and yearbook, and part time at a camera store. He began working at a dive shop named Scuba Systems in 1975, became a certified scuba diver in 1976, and turned instructor in 1979. Now, as the longtime owner of Scuba Systems, Larry has earned the nickname, “Dr. Scuba.” He has been AV Director of Chicago’s “Our World-Underwater” for several years, and has been a presenter there and at numerous other venues. Larry will show how the Wells Burt shipwreck has changed over time, including footage he shot for the Emmy-Award-winning broadcast on Fox Thing in the Morning in 1995 and for the History Channel’s “Cities of the Underworld” in 2007.
Other Business
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:00, after which a number of members retired to Ricobene's for further discussions and socializing.