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Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago

Meeting Minutes 28 March 2007


  •  Bob and Claire Gadbois ran the March meeting.
  • Approximately 25 members attended.

Officer Reports

  • Treasury – A treasurer's report was given. Contact Bob Gadbois if interested.
  • ICSSD – Claire Gadbois gave the ICSSD report:
    • The underwater comptetion was held, and included a puzzle to assemble piping pieces underwater. A Grand Prize for a trip to Casa del Mar was won by the Gadbois.
    • The President's Night Dinner will be held October 20th at Charlie's Char House in Elk Grove Village.
    • The Jim Haigh Memorial Dive will be July 15th at Haigh Quarry.
    • ICSSD is distributing dive safety brochures.
    • ICSSD has a speakers list available for those who are interested, or who would like to be added to the list.
  • Membership – Roger Brown distributed a new UASC roster. Contact Roger or Jim Jarecki to get a copy.
  • Newsletter – UASC is looking for a newsletter chair.

Old Business

  •  Several UASC members attended the Ghost Ships Festival in Milwaukee, and got a lot out of the weekend. In addition to enjoying the general presentations and exhibit hall, several attended valuable workshops and/or were fortunate at the raffle drawings. The Wisconsin Underwater Archaeology Association's workshop was particularly appreciated.
  • Jim Jarecki reported on several presentations which he had made recently in Indiana.

New Business

  •  On April 10th Cris Kohl will lead a discussion of Shadow Divers at the Museum of Science and Industry's Book Club. There may be another event in the fall including John Chatterton, Richie Kohler, and/or Bob Kurzon.
  • May 5, Mysteries and Histories Beneath the Inland Seas, Holland, MI.
  • May 8, Keith Meverden will make a presentation on the Rouse Simmons at the National Archives.
  • April 14, UASC CPR class. Sam Frank teaching. Arranged by Chet Childs. $25 to be held at UIC. 2 hour renewal plus 1 hour new material.
  • Michael Angelo Gagliardi has a new show April 24th to May 31st at The Gallery at Holy Covenant Methodis Church. See for more information.
  • No word at this time on the proposed survey course.
  • UASC survey reports are available for purchase from

Shipwreck Surveys

  •  Rainbow - A schooner sunk just outside of Monroe Harbor in about 20 feet of water. Went down in the spring gale of 1894 that claimed 7 wrecks all together. This wreck is inaccessible during the busy summer season due to the excessive boat traffic. Contact: Jim Jarecki.
  • David Wells - Liz Jurkacek plans to do a final inventory this summer, and also hopes to get a permit soon to excavate around the edges of the wreck.
  • Wells Burt - Jim Jarecki reported that a descendant of the captain wants to join us on this project. An inventory is currently being made of removed tagged items.
  • Barge #2 - John & Ruth Loftus are continuing the lead on this project, which will be the feature of the April meeting next month.
  • G.J. Dorr - John & Ruth are continuing to search for this wreck, and would appreciate any reliable GPS or Loran coordinates that are available.
  • Kieth Pearson is working on the Saint Mary and th Rotarian.
  • Tony Kiefer is working on the Sub Chaser off the Illinois Beach State Park in Zion.
  • The work on the Material Service Barge is nearly complete, and should be wrapped up to produce a slate and/or report.
  • Val's Wreck.
  • 150 foot Mystery Wreck.
  • Pete Chval reported that there is a new charter boat operating out of Chicago.

Upcoming Shows / Conferences

  •  See new business

Guest Speaker

  •  Bob Gadbois presented a very interesting presentation on the making of "She Died a Hard Death: The Sinking of the Hennepin". Bob went through in great detail all of the steps required to create a single 30-second piece of the film, including all the tools he uses, difficulties encountered, and techniques employed. The presentation was very interesting and informative.

Other Business

  •  Several members retired to Riccobene's after the meeting for further discussion.