Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00
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January 2007
Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago
Meeting Minutes 31 January 2007
Liz Jurkacek ran tonight's meeting, starting with socializing at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:00.
Approximately 22 members met at our new location on the 6th floor of the Helix building. We were also pleased to use our new digital projector for the first time at this meeting.
Officer Reports
Treasury – Bob Gadbois reported on the financial state of the UASC. Members may contact Bob for more information.
Liz Jurkacek discussed using some funds to put together 3 to 4 surveying kits, with tape rules, slates, mylar, etc.
ICSSD – Claire Gadbois reported on upcoming events of the Illinois Council:
Membership – Liz Jurkacek announced the new and continuing officers, as voted at the last meeting:
Jim Jarecki - President
Joan Forsberg - Vice President
Bob Gadbois - Treasurer
John Bell - Secretary
Newsletter – The next newsletter should be coming out soon.
New Business
Shipwreck Surveys
Liz Jurkacek discussed the state support we have for pending projects, four at $500 each. These funds can be used for library research, report preparation, and underwater research, including reasonable funds for boat fuel, air tanks, tapes, slates, etc. Sample budget forms are available from Liz.
Upcoming Shows / Conferences
The Chicago Maritime Festival is Saturday February 24th. Tom and Chris Kastle are running the show ( with a lot of help ), and several UASC members are presenting or otherwise participating in the show:
UASC will have a booth set up from about 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Doors are open to the public from 9:30 a.m. until the evening concert ends around 10:00.
Scott Reimer is looking for volunteers to man the booth from 10:00 a.m. till 3:30. Several members signed up for time slots.
John Bell and Kat Finn will bring the booth and handle setup and take-down.
Tom and Chris Kastle - Not only are Tom and Chris putting the show together and running it ( with a lot of help to be sure ), they will also be performing maritime music to please the masses.
Cris Kohl and Joan Forsberg - "Shipwrecks at Death's Door", a lively and entertaining presentation on the many interesting shipwrecks located in the treacherous waters between Lake Michigan and Green Bay.
Michael Angelo Gagliardi - "The Diver as Artist", an informative seminar on how Michael applies his prodigous artistic talents to sketch, draw, and paint shipwrecks as an underwater surveying tool, and how you can too, regardless of your artistic ability. ( Though probably not as well as Michael. )
UASC ( Ruth Loftus? ) - "How to Become a Shipwreck Detective for Kids ( and Adults )", a hands-on experience on how to do underwater archaeology, pre-tested in seveal local schools to rave reviews.
Dan Kasberger - "Nautical Expressions We Use Every Day", an informative and lively presentation of how our maritime history continues to affect our everyday language, ( and particularly the more colorful expressions! )
Announcement was made of the upcoming Our World Underwater show, with a request for members to sign up to work the booth in two-hour time slots. ( Contact Scott Reimer. )
Ghost Ships Festival is coming to Milwaukee March 23 and 24th. Bob Gadbois announced that the Wisconsin Underwater Archaeological Society will be giving a two-hour workshop at Ghost Ships.
Howard Openlander announced that there would be a presentation on Halsey's Typhoon at the Pritzker's Library on February 15th.
Tom Kastle announced that the Historical Society would be having their annual meeting soon.
Guest Speaker
Liz Jurkacek gave an excellent presentation on UASC survey procedures, complete with handouts, charts, diagrams, and sample forms. See Liz for more information or additional copies of the handouts.
Other Business
Nest month's meeting will be conducted by Cris Kohl, on the topic of researching shipwrecks.
After the meeting about a dozen members retired next door to Stanley's Kitchen and Tap for continued conversations and socializing. Next month we will probably go to Jak's Tap for comparison and then decide which ( if either becomes our regular watering hole. )