Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00

Zoom Only

Hey Everybody,

This got announced at last month's meeting, but not everyone was there, including some people who really needed to hear the message, so I'm repeating it via e-mail.

UASC has arranged with Jim Gentile ( Windy City Diving ) for a series of Thursday night charters at a reduced fare of $420 for the boat, for up to 6 divers.  UASC has agreed to underwrite $180 of up to 6 of these charters, bringing the cost for the boat down to $240, provided that there are at least 4 divers and that there are specified UASC survey activities taking place.  More specifically, UASC will underwrite the charter provided that there is a Project Leader with some specific plans and objectives for the trip, ( beyond "let's go out and see what it looks like". )  This then brings the cost per diver down to $40, $50, or $60 per diver, for 6, 5, or 4 divers on the boat.  ( Jim makes an extra $10 for 5 divers. )

There are some other reasonable restrictions, most notably that Jim can bump us if he gets a full-paying fare for a Thursday night, and that the survey site needs to be a reasonable distance from one of the two harbors that Jim goes out of.

So if you are a Project Leader with a project that can make good use of this resource, then make some plans and let everyone know how they can get in on the work.

( If you would like to go out for a Thursday night fun dive, UASC won't underwrite it, but Jim may honor the $420 / boat price. You'll have to talk to Jim directly about that. )

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