Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00

Zoom and in-person at the Chicago Maritime Museum, 1200 W 35th St, Chicago, IL 60609

Hello Everyone,

The next meeting of the Underwater Archaeology Society of Chicago will Wednesday, May 30th, at the Chicago Maritime Museum, 1200 W 35th St, Chicago, IL. This is in the Bridgeport Art Center Building.  Enter at the door under the awning that says North Entrance off the north parking lot and go downstairs.  We will start the meeting at 7:00pm.

We will not have a featured speaker this month, but we will have a business meeting.  However, we might try something else as well.

Word came today that Bob Gadbois, one of our longest serving and most active members, died this morning of cancer.  He has been a remarkable resource not just for the UASC, but to the many organizations he has been part of.

If you have ever attended Our World Underwater, Ghost Ships, or the many other dive events in the area, you have probably seen his work whether you knew it or not.

Bob Gadbois, retired from CBS television after 41 years, and had been diving since the mid-1970's. He and his wife Claire have dived the world but always came back to their roots, the Great Lakes. Bob specialized in underwater video and was an accomplished editor and producer. He produced numerous documentaries for the Underwater Archeological Society of Chicago, the Michigan Shipwreck Research Associates and other organizations.

Bob was also the recipient of the 2008 Humanitarian of the Year Award by the Illinois Council of Skin and Scuba Divers for his numerous contributions. In 2011 he also won the Middle Coast Award at Our World Underwater.

The UASC video library has numerous videos produced by Bob.  This might be a good opportunity to view a few that may not have seen the light of day for awhile.

Please join us.

-Dean Nolan