Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00

Zoom and in-person at the Chicago Maritime Museum, 1200 W 35th St, Chicago, IL 60609

Greeting All,

We're getting pretty close to the end of the year, Thanksgiving has passed and the last UASC meeting of 2016 is upon us.  As we don't schedule meetings for the month of December this the last opportunity to get a meeting until 2017.

The primary business item this month will be the election of the UASC Officers for 2017.  The slate of officers who have volunteered to hold office are: Dean Nolan - President; Colin Bertling - Vice President; John Bell - Treasurer; and Carol Sommers - to return as Secretary.  If anyone else is interested in an officer position you are welcome an encouraged to run. 

We have also just begun the membership drive for membership renewal; if you are interested I'm joining the UASC now is great time.  Come to a meeting and join in person or send me a note of your interest.

Our guest speaker this month will be Bob Nelson.  Bob was vice president of Grebe's boat yard, Harbor Master for the City of Chicago and most recently Harbor Master at the Hammond Marina. Bob has recently released a book entitled: Dirty Waters: Confessions of Chicago's Last Harbor Boss. Dirty Waters is a wry, no-holds-barred memoir of Nelson’s time controlling some of the city’s most beautiful spots while facing some of its ugliest traditions.  This promises to be a very interesting presentation.  Attached is a flyer advertising this months meeting and our guest speaker.  As noted, our meeting are open to the public and there is no charge to attend.

UASC meetings take place the last Wednesday of each month; refreshment and meet/greet start around 6:30 pm and the meetings begin at 7:00 pm. The Meetings are held at the Chicago Maritime Museum located at 1200 West 35th Street, Suite OE5010, Chicago, IL 60609. Free parking is available adjacent to the facility. Use the entrance next to the loading dock on the north side of the building (same side you will park on). The door is at ground level and the museum is on the lower level down the stairway.

I hope to see some of you at the meeting this Wednesday, new faces are always welcome.


Bob Rushman
UASC President