Dear UASC member:
The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the following members as nominees for 2013 officers of the Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago (UASC). The committee has discussed the nominations with each individual, who have agreed to offer their names to this ballot for election at the November 28, 2012 UASC meeting. As has been our custom, additional nominations from the floor will be accepted at the meeting before the election takes place.
John Bell, President
Bob Rushman, President-Elect
Robert Hughes, Vice President
Bob Gadbois, Treasurer
John Gerty, Secretary
All UASC members may vote and are encouraged to attend the Nov. 28 meeting to participate in the election.
Thank you.
UASC Nominating Committee Members:
Don Doherty
Chet Childs
Jim Jarecki