Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00

Zoom and in-person at the Chicago Maritime Museum, 1200 W 35th St, Chicago, IL 60609

The November UASC meeting is this Wednesday, November 19th. UASC meetings are held at the Chicago Maritime Museum located at 1200 West 35th Street, Suite OE5010, Chicago, IL 60609. Free parking is available adjacent to the facility. Use the entrance next to the loading dock on the north side of the building adjacent to the parking lot. The door is at ground level and the museum is on the lower level down the stairway.

Our speaker this month will be Chet Childs with hopefully some support from Keith Pearson. Chet and Keith will be presenting on Chet's recent visit to the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensecola, Florida where several aircraft are currently being restored, some of which could possibly include the WWII planes recovered from Lake Michigan.

I'd also like to invite other member to bring video of any interesting activities that you may have participated in this year with the hope that they involve ship wrecks.

We will also continue the discussion that was intiated at the meeting last month which essentially was: let's start some seroius ship wreck survey work. Please come prepared with ideas, suggestions, and solutions.

Also, don't forget that the election of officers will be conducted at the November meeting. The slate of officers standing for election is:

President - Bob Rushman
Vice Presidet - Robert Hughes
Treasurer - Julie Scheibe
Secretary - Carol Sommers

However, it's still not too late to submit your name as a candidate so if you are interested in one of the positions please contact Jim Jarecki and let him know of your interest.


Bob Rushman
UASC President