Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Socialize at 6:30, Business at 7:00, Featured Presentation: 8:00

Zoom and in-person at the Chicago Maritime Museum, 1200 W 35th St, Chicago, IL 60609

***UASC March 2023 MEETING****

Wednesday, March 29th @ 07:00 PM CST – Meeting of Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago

Featured Presenter: Dan Orr

Presenting: “Mistakes Divers Make+


On Zoom - Registration Link: 


Pre-meeting Informal Social; 06:30 – 07:00

Business Meeting; 07:00 – 08:00

Featured Presentation: 08:00 – 09:00 (or later if necessary)


 “Mistakes Divers Make"

Dan Orr, President of Dan Orr Consulting, has more than 50 years of diving experiences. He retired from the position of President of Divers Alert Network (DAN) after 23 years where he helped DAN focus on its worldwide diving safety mission. During his tenure at DAN, he assumed a variety of roles including Director of Training (where he was Dan was responsible for the development and implementation of the DAN Emergency Oxygen First Aid Program), Executive Vice President and, ultimately, President/CEO.

Prior to his service at DAN, he worked and taught recreational diving in a retail store, developed and implemented course curricula in the academic environment, and collected data and supervised research efforts in the field of science diving. Dan was certified as a US Navy diver and tested diving equipment for military contractors. He has served and continues to serve in leadership positions on the Board of Directors of many companies and organizations throughout the diving world. Consulting projects have included generating reports on fire safety improvement for liveaboard dive vessels, first aid and accident management improvements on dive vessels and safety management system review and improvements.

Dan has been an invited speaker at numerous national and international diver conferences and conducts regular webinars on a variety of diving safety subjects. He has published and co-authored more than a dozen books and manuals including 101 Tips for Recreational Divers, Scuba Diving Safety, Pocket Guide to First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries; Pocket Guide for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries; and the DAN Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries Training Manual. He has also published a variety of articles including The Normalization of Deviance (aka shortcut mentality), Time to Return to Diving but Cautiously, COVID-19, Local Diving and The Older Diver, The Ageless Diver, A Crisis Lurking Below the Surface- Emergency Hyperbaric Chamber Availability, Returning the Dive Travel – Be Prepared Part 1 & 2.